Sunday 24 March 2013

合隆厨师煎炸粉 Hup Loong Cook's Frying Powder

一包245克就要 RM 2.20

材料 Ingredients:
120g  合隆厨师煎炸粉 Hup Loong Cook's Frying Powder
5tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
9tbsp 清水 Plain Water

做法 Method:
1. 将食油倒入煎炸粉搅拌均。
Mix cooking oil and cook's frying powder.

2. 倒入水混合均匀,备用。
Pour in water, stir well. Ready for use.


Wednesday 20 March 2013

蜜糖玉米片 II Honey Cornflakes II


材料 Ingredients:
1box 原味玉米片 Plain Cornflakes Cereal
40g   牛油 Butter
50g   黄糖 Brown Sugar
50g   炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
100g 蜜糖 Honey
彩糖 Colorful Sugar Beads

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油,黄糖和炼乳隔水加热至全部融化。
Melt butter, brown sugar and sweetened condensed milk by double boiling.

2. 加入蜜糖搅拌均匀。
Mix in honey and stir well.

3.  加入玉米片,拌匀。
 Add in cornflakes and raisins, stir till well-coated.

4. 用小匙将玉米片放入小纸杯。
Scoop cornflakes into mini paper cups using a teaspoon.

5. 撒上彩糖。
Sprinkle on some colorful sugar beads.

6. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烘烤15分钟或至表面少许浅褐色。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 15minutes or
until slightly brown.

Sunday 17 March 2013

牛油蛋糕 Butter Cake


材料 Ingredients:
227g   无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter
200g   普通面粉 Plain Flour
2tsp    双效发粉 Double Action Baking Powder
160g   黄糖 Brown Sugar
4nos   鸡蛋 Eggs
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
6tbsp 鲜奶 Fresh Milk

做法 Method:
1. 将普通面粉和双效发粉混合后过筛。
Mix the flour and the baking powder together and sieve.

2. 加入盐,混合均匀,备用。
 Add in salt and mix well. Set aside.

3. 将牛油和黄糖打发。
Cream butter and brown sugar till fluffy.

4.  加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

5. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.

6. 倒入鲜奶,搅拌均匀。
Stir in fresh milk, mix well.

7. 将面糊倒入烤模,放入预热烤箱,以150度烤1个小时或至熟。
Pour the batter into a greased mold, put into pre-heat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked.

Friday 8 March 2013

巧克力马芬 Chocolate Muffin


材料 Ingredients:
200g  黑烹饪巧克力Dark Cooking Chocolate
70g    牛油Butter
2nos  鸡蛋Eggs
40g   糖Sugar
60g   普通面粉Plain Flour
1tsp  发粉Baking Powder

做法 Method:
1. 将黑烹饪巧克力和牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt dark cooking chocolate and butter by double boiling, place aside.

2. 将普通面粉和发粉过筛,备用。
Sift plain flour and baking powder, place aside.

3. 将鸡蛋打散,加入糖,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat the egg, then add in sugar, mix well.

4. 将蛋液倒入巧克力溶液,混合均匀。
Pour into chocolate mixture, stir well.

5. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in flours, mix well.

6. 将面糊倒入马芬杯子,约8分满。
 Fill muffin cup with the batter for about 3/4 full.

6. 放入预热烤箱,以170度烤20分钟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 170 Celsius for 20 minutes.

Friday 1 March 2013

花生饼 Peanut Cookies


材料 Ingredients:
300g 普通面粉 Plain Flour (All Purpose Flour)
300g 花生碎 Ground Peanuts
200g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
200ml 花生油 Peanut Oil
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1nos 蛋黄 Egg York

做法 Method:
1. 将普通面粉和糖粉过筛 。
Sifted plain flour and icing sugar.

2. 将普通面粉、糖粉、花生碎和盐放入一个大碗混合均匀。
Mix plain flour, icing sugar, ground peanut and salt in a large bowl.

3. 慢慢倒入花生油,揉成面团。
Pour in the peanut oil gradually, knead it into a dough.

4. 把面团搓成小球状,放在已铺上烘焙纸的烤盘上,用筷子末端印在面团上。
Roll dough into small ball, place on baking tray that lined with baking paper. Press lightly with a chopstick.

5. 将蛋黄打散,均匀的涂在小面团表面。
Beat egg york, brush every cookies evenly with it.

6. 放入已预热的烤箱,以150度烘20分钟或至金黄色即可。
Put into pre heat oven, bake with 150 degree Celsius for 20minutes or until golden brown.

7. 待凉,收入密封的罐子。
Let cool, keep the cookies in an air tight container.