Saturday, 24 August 2013

杏仁马铃薯煎饼 Potato Almond Pancake

材料 Ingredients
125g      马铃薯泥      Mashed Potatoes
50g        牛油              Butter

50G      普通面粉      Plain Flour
1tsp       杏仁粉          Almond Powder
1tsp       双效发粉      Double Action Baking Powder
45g        糖粉              Icing Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 将材料A 和材料 B分别混合拌匀。
Mix ingredients A and ingredients B separately.

2. 将所有材料放入大碗,搅拌成软面团。
 In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well to form a soft dough.

3. 将面团平均分成30克左右,搓圆后压扁。
Divide the dough into small portions about 30g each, shape into round and flatten.

4. 不粘锅抹上少许牛油,排入小面团,以小火煎至两面金黄色即可。
In a non-stick pan, spread on some butter,  arrange the dough in it, pan-fry over low heat on each side until golden brown.