Thursday, 29 December 2016

水果沙拉 Fruit Salad


材料 Ingredients:
水果 Fruit 
水果沙拉酱 Fruit Salad Dressing
甜炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk

做法 Method:
1. 将水果洗净,有需要去皮的就去皮,然后切小块。

2. 水果沙拉酱加入适量甜炼乳,搅拌均匀。

3. 把沙拉酱倒在水果上拌匀即可。

Friday, 16 December 2016

焦糖蜂巢蛋糕 (蒸) Caramel Honeycomb Cake (Steamed)

材料(7寸模) Ingredients (7" Mold): 
90g  砂糖 Castor Sugar
120ml  清水 Plain Water
50g  牛油  Butter
60g  炼乳 Sweet Condensed Milk
80g  低筋面粉 Low Protein Flour
1tbsp  奶粉 Milk Powder
1/2tsp  苏打粉 Bicarbonate of Soda
1/2tsp  发粉  Baking Powder
3pcs  鸡蛋 Eggs

做法 Method: 
1. 低筋面粉、奶粉、苏打粉和发粉过筛备用。
Sift low protein flour,  milk powder, bicarbonate of soda and baking powder, set aside.

2. 砂糖放入锅内以小火煮至褐色成焦糖。
 Caramelize castor sugar over low heat in a saucepan until its golden brown

 3. 将清水慢慢倒入煮好的焦糖,搅拌直焦糖完全融化,离火。
 Add water to the caramel,

 4. 趁热加入牛油,搅拌至融化。
Melt butter in hot syrup. 

5. 加入炼乳, 拌匀。
Add in sweet condensed milk, mix well.

6. 拌入分类,搅拌均匀。
Fold in flours, mix well. 

7. 加入稍微打散的蛋液,拌匀。
Add slightly beaten eggs,  mix until well combined.

8. 将面糊过筛,倒入预先涂油的模子,静置20分钟。
Strain batter, pour in a greased mold, let stand at room temperature for 20minutes.

 9. 盖上铝箔纸,以中火蒸30分钟或至熟。
Cover with aluminum foils and steamed over middle heat for 30minutes or until cooked.

Friday, 9 December 2016

简易意大利面 Easy Creamy Spaghetti

材料 Ingredients:
意大利面   Spaghetti
 Prego 牌子 Cheese & Herbs 酱     Prego's Cheese & Herbs Sauce
 火腿(切条状)  Ham (Cut into strips)

做法 Method:
1. 意大利面根据包装上的指示准备好, 备用。
Cook spaghetti according to package instruction, set aside. 

2. 锅内倒入酱料,加入火腿和适量水。
 In a wok, pour in the sauce, add ham and enough water.

3. 以大火煮至沸腾后转小火煮约5分钟。
Bring the sauce to a boil and reduce to simmer for about 5minuts.

4. 加入意大利面混合即可。
Mix in spaghetti and serve immediately.