Thursday, 25 April 2013

南乳炸鸡翅 & 炸肉

材料 Ingredients:
5pcs       鸡翅 Chicken Wing
250g      五花肉 Pork Belly

腌料  Marinade:
2tbsp      蒜泥 Minced Garlic
4pcs       南乳 Fermented Bean Curd
1tbsp      南乳汁 Sauce of Fermented Bean Curd
1tbsp      糖 Sugar
2tsp        花雕酒 Hua Diao Wine
1tsp        白米酒 Rice Wine
1/2 tsp    麻油 Sesame Oil
1/2 tbsp  蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1/2tsp     味精 MSG
3tbsp      薯粉 Tapioca Starch

做法 Method:
1. 将全部腌料拌匀,分成两份。

2.  将五花肉切成小块,备用。

3. 把肉块和鸡翅分别加入腌料,腌制过夜。

4. 把肉块和鸡翅均匀的裹上粉浆, 放入热油以中小火把肉块和鸡翅炸至半熟捞起。

5. 转大火再把肉块和鸡翅倒入炸至熟,捞起沥干油份。

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

火腿芝士千层酥 Ham & Cheese Puff



材料 Ingredients:
2pcs            Kawan牌千层酥皮(正方行) Kawan Puff Pastry (Square)
2pcs            火腿片 Ham Slices
1pc              芝士片 Cheese Slice

做法 Method: 
1. 预先把千层酥皮从冰箱拿出来退冰。
Take out  the puff pastry from fridge in advance to defrost.

2. 把火腿片放在千层酥皮上,然后放上芝士片,在铺上火腿片。
Put a slice of ham on the puff pastry, then put on a slice of cheese, then a slice of ham again.

3. 盖上千层酥皮,用叉子封口。
Cover with a puff pastry, seal it using a fork.

4. 放入预热烤箱,以200度烤至金黄色。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 200 Celsius until golden brown.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

糯米鸡 Loh Mai Kai

材料 Ingredients:
300g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
1nos 鸡腿 Chicken Drumstick
5pcs 香菇 Dried Mushroom
2pcs 腊肠Chinese Sausage

鸡肉腌料 Chicken Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1tbsp 麻油 Sesame Oil
少许糖 A pinch of sugar

糯米腌料 Glutinous Rice Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
2tbsp 糖 Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.

2. 将糯米沥干干,加入腌料拌匀后腌30分钟。
Drain glutinous rice, add in marinade and mix well. Marinate for 30 minutes.

3. 鸡腿去骨切小块,加入腌料腌30分钟。
Debone chicken drumstick and cut into small pieces. Add in marinade and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes.

4. 碗内依序放入鸡肉、香菇、香肠和糯米,压紧。
Put marinated chicken, dried mushroom, chinese sausage and marinated glutinous rice into a bowl. Press until firm.

5. 以中火蒸半个小时,然后在表面上洒些水,继续蒸至熟。
Steam over medium heat for half and hour, then sprinkle some water on the top of glutinous rice. Continue to steam until cooked. 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

巧克力杯子蛋糕 (蒸) Chocolate Cupcake (Steamed)


材料 Ingredients:
180g 牛油 Butter
200ml 全脂淡奶 Full Cream Evaporated Milk
200g 黄糖 Brown Sugar
2nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
110g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
40g 可可粉 Cocoa Powder

做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉和可可粉过筛,备用。
Sift self raising flour and cocoa powder, set aside.

2. 将全脂淡奶、黄糖和牛油隔水加热直全部牛油和糖融化。
Double boil full cream evaporated milk, brown sugar and butter until all sugar and butter dissolved.

3. 将鸡蛋用叉子打散,慢慢加入稍微冷却的淡奶糊,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat eggs with fork, add it slowly into slightly cold evaporated milk mixture, stir till well mix.

4. 拌入已过筛的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.

5. 将面糊倒入纸杯约8分满。
Pour the batter into paper cup.

6. 以中火蒸约20分钟或至熟。
Steam over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until cooked.

奶油鱼片 Butter Fish Fillet

材料 Ingredients:
多利鱼片 Dory Fish Fillet
盐 Salt 
玉米粉 Corn Flour 
30g      牛油 Butter
90ml    淡奶 Evaporated Milk
1tbsp   糖 Sugar
咖喱叶 Curry leaves

做法 Method:
1. 将 多利鱼片洗净切成小块,用少许盐腌约15分钟。
Rinse dory fish fillet thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Marinate with a pinch of salt for about 15 minutes.

2. 将鱼片均匀的沾裹上玉米粉,然后放入热油里炸至熟,捞起。
 Coat the marinated fish fillet with corn four and deep fry in oil until cooked. Put on kitchen papers to absorb excess oil.

3. 热锅,煮溶牛油,加入咖喱叶爆香。
Heat butter over low heat until melted. Add curry leaves, stir fry until fragrant.

4. 加入淡奶和糖,以中火煮汁稍微浓稠,熄火。
 Add evaporated milk and sugar. Cook over medium heat until sauce thickens. Turn off the heat.

5. 加入已炸好的鱼片,快速翻炒至所有鱼片都沾上酱汁即可。
Add in fried fish fillet, stir frequently until all the fish fillet coated with the sauce.