材料 (7寸方模) Ingredients (7" Square Mold):
225g 牛油 Butter
1/4cup 幼糖 Castor Sugar
5pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
1cup Nestum麦片 (搅成粉) Nestum (Blend into powder)
1/2 cup 杏仁粉 Almond Powder
1/2cup 好力克 Horlicks
1/2cup 低筋面粉(过筛) Hong Kong Flour (Sifted)
1/2cup 炼乳 Sweet Condensed Milk
数滴苹果绿色素 Few drop of Apple Green Food Coloring
做法 Method:
1. 牛油和幼糖打发。
Beat butter and castor sugar till fluffy.
2. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.
3. 加入炼乳,搅拌均匀。
Stir in sweet condensed milk, mix well.
4. 交替拌入已搅成粉的麦片、好力克、杏仁粉和低筋面粉,拌匀。
Add the Nestum powder, Horlicks, almond powder and hong kong flour alternately , mix well.
5. 滴入适量苹果绿色素,拌匀。
Add few drop of apple green food coloring, mix till well combined.
6. 将面糊倒入已抹油的蛋糕模,盖上锡纸,以中火蒸2 1/2个小时。
Pour the batter into a greased cake mold, cover with aluminum foil, steam for 2 1/2 hours.