Monday, 17 December 2018

肮脏包 Chocolate Dirty Bun

Kawan 牌 片状酥皮   Kawan Puff Pastry (Square)
巧克力片   Chocolate Bar
巧克力粉   Chocolate Powder
100g 烹饪巧克力   Cooking Chocolate
100g 淡奶油   Whipping Cream

1. 预热烤箱。
Preheat the oven.

2. 将巧克力片切小块。
Break chocolate bar into small bar.

3. 酥皮切半,包入小块的巧克力片。
 Cut a piece of puff pastry into two , roll up the chocolate bar with puff pastry.

4. 卷好一层后,再卷第二层。
Once done, roll again with puff pastry for second layer.

5. 放入烤箱,以180度烤15分钟或至金黄色。
Place into the oven. Bake at 180 Celsius for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

6. 将淡奶油煮热,倒入烹饪巧克力内静置约5分钟,然后搅拌至顺滑。
In a saucepan, heat up whipping cream on low heat and pour into the chocolates. Leave for about 5 minutes and stir until well mixed.

7. 将这个甘纳许倒在酥皮包上,再撒上适量的巧克力粉即可。
Drizzle the ganache over the baked pastry buns, sieve chocolate powder lightly and it's ready to serve.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

峇拉煎青苔芝士蛋糕(蒸) Kek Belacan Lumut Cheese

材料 (9寸方模)  Ingredients (9inch square mold): 
峇拉简蛋糕 Kek Belacan
150g 牛油 Butter
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
30g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
90g 低筋面粉 Low Protein Flour
100g 咖椰 Kaya
100g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
1tbsp 黑糖浆 Browning Suagar
200g 烹饪巧克力(隔水溶化) Cooking Chocolate (Melt using double boiling method)

青苔蛋糕 Kek Lumut
150g 牛油 Butter
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
30g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
90g 玛丽饼 (以搅拌器打成粉) Marie Biscuit (Blend into powder)
1tbsp 面粉 Plain Flour
150g 咖椰 Kaya
100g 好立克 Horlicks
香兰精 Pandan Paste

芝士蛋糕 Cheese Layer
500g 奶油芝士 Cream Cheese
120g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
1tbsp 面粉 Plain Flour

做法 Method:
1. 峇拉煎蛋糕层:将牛油和幼糖打发,逐粒加入鸡蛋打匀,再加入其它材料搅拌均匀。
Kek Belacan: Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add in egg one at a time and mix well. Add in all others ingredients and mix till well combined.

2. 将面糊倒入已涂油的蛋糕模,盖上锡纸,放入烧开水的蒸锅以中小火蒸约45分钟或至熟。
Pour batter into a greased cake mold, cover with aluminium foil, steam over boiling water using low heat for about 45minutes or until cooked.

3. 青苔蛋糕层:将牛油和幼糖打发,逐粒加入鸡蛋打匀,再加入其它材料搅拌均匀。
Kek Lumut: Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add in egg one at a time and mix well. Add in all other ingredients and mix till well combined.

4. 将面糊倒在峇拉简蛋糕层上,盖上锡纸,以中小火蒸约45分钟或至熟。
Pour batter on top of the kek belacan, cover the mood with aluminium foil, steam for about 45minutes or until cooked.

5. 芝士蛋糕层:将全部材料打至顺滑。
Cheese layer: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

6. 将芝士糊倒在青苔蛋糕层上,盖上锡纸,以中小火蒸1小时30分钟。
Pour the batter on top of the kek lumut, cover with aluminium foil and steam for 11/2 hours.

Monday, 26 February 2018

香兰芝士千层蛋糕(蒸) Pandan Cheese Layer Cake (Steamed)

材料 (9寸方模) Ingredients (9" Square Mold):
340g 牛油 Butter
180g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
8pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
220g 香兰咖椰 Pandan Kaya
200g 低筋面粉 Low Protein Flour
250g 动物性鲜奶油 Whipping Cream

200g 香草味冰淇淋粉 Vanilla Ice Cream Powder
1tbsp 香兰精 Pandan Paste

250g 奶油芝士 Cream Cheese

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油和炼乳打至松发。
Beat butter and sweet condensed milk until fluffy.

2. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time and mix throughly.

3. 加入香兰咖椰,搅拌均匀。
Add in pandan kaya, mix well.

4.  加入动物性鲜奶油,拌匀。
Add in whipping cream, mix well.

5. 拌入已过筛的低精面粉,混合均匀。
Fold in sifted low protein flour, mix till well combined.

6. 将面糊分成两份。
Divide batter into two equal portions.

7. 将一份面糊加入材料B,拌匀成为香兰面糊。
Add in ingredients B to one part of the batter, mix well.

8. 将材料C打软,加入另外一份面糊成为芝士面糊。
Beat ingredients C until soft, add in another part of batter.

9. 烧开水,将已涂油的蛋糕模蒸热,倒入200g香兰面糊,以中小火蒸约7分钟至表层不粘手。
Grease steaming tray, pour 200g of pandan batter into the steaming tray and steam for 7minutes or until cooked.

10. 倒入200g芝士面糊,再蒸7分钟左右,用同样的方式把面糊轮流蒸完为止,最后一层需蒸15-20分钟。
Pour 200g of cheese batter on top of the pandan cake, steam for about 7minutes. Repeat till all the batter finish. Steam 15-20minutes for final layer.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

咸蛋黄玉米片 Salted Egg Yolk Cornflake

材料 Ingredients:
180g 玉米片 Cornflakes
70g 牛油 Butter
50g 咸蛋黄粉 Salted Egg Yolk Powder
1tsp 鸡精粉 Chicken Stock Seasoning
咖喱叶 Curry Leaves
小辣椒 Cili Padi (Bird's Eye Chili)

做法 Method:
1.  热锅,将牛油煮至溶化。
Melt butter in a wok.

2.  加入咸蛋黄粉,炒至冒泡。
Once the butter melted, add in salted egg yolk powder and stir fry until foamy.

3. 放入咖喱叶和小辣椒,炒香。
Add both the curry leaves and cili padi, stir fry till fragrant.

4. 倒入玉米片,以小火炒至香脆。
Reduce heat to low, add in cornflakes, stir fry till golden brown and crispy.