Thursday, 1 March 2018
峇拉煎青苔芝士蛋糕(蒸) Kek Belacan Lumut Cheese
材料 (9寸方模) Ingredients (9inch square mold):
峇拉简蛋糕 Kek Belacan
150g 牛油 Butter
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
30g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
90g 低筋面粉 Low Protein Flour
100g 咖椰 Kaya
100g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
1tbsp 黑糖浆 Browning Suagar
200g 烹饪巧克力(隔水溶化) Cooking Chocolate (Melt using double boiling method)
青苔蛋糕 Kek Lumut
150g 牛油 Butter
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
30g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
90g 玛丽饼 (以搅拌器打成粉) Marie Biscuit (Blend into powder)
1tbsp 面粉 Plain Flour
150g 咖椰 Kaya
100g 好立克 Horlicks
香兰精 Pandan Paste
芝士蛋糕 Cheese Layer
500g 奶油芝士 Cream Cheese
120g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
2pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
1tbsp 面粉 Plain Flour
做法 Method:
1. 峇拉煎蛋糕层:将牛油和幼糖打发,逐粒加入鸡蛋打匀,再加入其它材料搅拌均匀。
Kek Belacan: Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add in egg one at a time and mix well. Add in all others ingredients and mix till well combined.
2. 将面糊倒入已涂油的蛋糕模,盖上锡纸,放入烧开水的蒸锅以中小火蒸约45分钟或至熟。
Pour batter into a greased cake mold, cover with aluminium foil, steam over boiling water using low heat for about 45minutes or until cooked.
3. 青苔蛋糕层:将牛油和幼糖打发,逐粒加入鸡蛋打匀,再加入其它材料搅拌均匀。
Kek Lumut: Beat butter and sugar until fluffy, add in egg one at a time and mix well. Add in all other ingredients and mix till well combined.
4. 将面糊倒在峇拉简蛋糕层上,盖上锡纸,以中小火蒸约45分钟或至熟。
Pour batter on top of the kek belacan, cover the mood with aluminium foil, steam for about 45minutes or until cooked.
5. 芝士蛋糕层:将全部材料打至顺滑。
Cheese layer: Mix all ingredients until smooth.
6. 将芝士糊倒在青苔蛋糕层上,盖上锡纸,以中小火蒸1小时30分钟。
Pour the batter on top of the kek lumut, cover with aluminium foil and steam for 11/2 hours.
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