Tuesday, 20 March 2012

金枪鱼餐包 Tuna Bun

材料 Ingredients:
300g 高筋面粉 Bread Flour
3tbsp 糖 Sugar
120ml 温牛奶 Warm Milk
50g 蛋液 Egg
1tsp 速溶酵母 Instant Yeast
1tsp 盐 Salt
60g 牛油 Butter
185g 美奶滋金枪鱼罐头 Tuna with Mayonnaise

做法 Method:
1. 将高筋面粉过筛, 备用。
Sift bread flour, place aside.

2. 在一个大盆里依序放入盐,高筋面粉,糖和酵母。
Place salt, bread flour, sugar and instant yeast in a large bowl.

3. 倒入蛋液和温牛奶,用手揉成面团。
Pour in egg and warm milk, knead into a dough.

4. 将牛油包在面团中间,揉至表面光滑能拉出薄膜。
Wrap in butter, continue kneading until dough is smooth and can stretch into a thin translucent membrane (Windowpane test).

5. 把揉好的放入一个大盆,再面团表面喷些水, 盖上保鲜膜或湿布,让面团进行第一次发酵至原来的2倍大。
Put dough in a large bowl, spray some water on the dough surface, cover it with

6. 把面团按瘪,分成12份。
Punch down the dough, divide into 12 portions.

7. 把小面团滚圆,醒发15分钟。
Roll the dough into ball shape, rest for 15 minutes.

8. 把小面团搓成约30cm的长条装,打个结,两端顺势缠好。
Roll the dough into long tube, braid into flower shape.

9. 让面团进行第二次发酵至2倍大。
Let dough rise till double in size.

10. 在面团表面涂上蛋液,在中间铺上金枪鱼。
Brush egg wash on top of the dough, spoon tuna with mayonnaise onto the middle of dough.

11. 放入预热烤箱,以180度烘烤10分钟。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 180 Celsius for 10 minutes.

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