Tuesday, 30 August 2016
柠檬蜂蜜 Honey Lemon
材料 Ingredients:
柠檬 Lemon
蜂蜜 Honey
做法 Method:
1. 玻璃罐用滚水烫过,晾干备用。同时也要把刀和砧板洗净,沥干。
Wash jar with hot water and let air dry. Clean the knife and cutting board, let air dry.
2. 柠檬沾上少许水,用食盐搓表皮片刻,冲洗干净后抹干或风干。
Wash lemons thoroughly with some salt and let them air dry or pat dry with paper towels.
3. 将柠檬切除两头后切成薄片,放入玻璃罐内。
Cut off and discard the ends of the lemons and slice them thinly, layer the lemon slices in the jar.
4. 倒入蜂蜜至盖过柠檬片。
Pour in enough honey to cover the lemon slices.
5. 盖紧瓶盖,放入冰箱冷藏。
Close the lid tightly and place in the fridge.
6. 每天用干净的汤匙搅拌一下或直接把玻璃罐上下翻动,确保腌渍均匀。
Use a clean spoon to scoop the lemons and honey from the bottom and drizzle them on top or shake it so the lemon juices can mix well with the honey.
7. 三天后即可泡水喝。
Ready to consume (dilute with water) after 3 days.
Saturday, 20 August 2016
三色奶茶 Teh C Peng Special (3 Layer Milk Tea)
材料 Ingredients:
亚答糖 Gula Apong
淡奶 Evaporated Milk
无糖浓茶 Sugarless Brewed Tea
冰块 Ice Cubes
做法 Method:
1. 亚答糖加入少许热水,搅拌至融化成糖浆。
Add a little hot water to gula apong, stir until dissolved to form sugar syrup.
2. 玻璃杯内加入适量亚答糖浆,分量依据个人甜度喜好。
Put suitable amount of sugar syrup in a glass, amount of syrup depend on personal sweetness preference.
3. 将冰块填满杯子,慢慢倒入淡奶。
Add ice cubes until it fills up the glass, pour evaporated milk gradually.
4. 加入无糖浓茶。
Fill the glass with sugarless brewed tea.
Friday, 12 August 2016
仙草C Cincau C
材料 Ingredients:
仙草 Grass Jelly (Cincau)
糖浆 Syrup
淡奶 Evaporated Creamer (Susu C)
冰块 Ice Cube
做法 Method:
1. 仙草切成小丁,备用。
Cut grass jelly into small cube, set aside.
2. 杯内放入适量糖浆。
Add some sugar syrup into a cup.
3. 放入冰块。
Add in ice cube.
Pour evaporated creamer gradually into the cup.
5. 加上仙草。
Add on grass jelly.
6. 搅拌均匀即可食用。
Mix well and ready to drink.
糖浆 Sugar Syrup
1. 将白糖和清水以2:1的比例煮至白糖完全融化。
Combine 2part sugar to 1part water and heat until dissolved.
2. 待凉即可。
Allow to cool.
p/s 懒人做法: 将白糖和热水以2;1 的比例混合,搅拌至白糖完全融化。
Easy method: Combine 2part sugar to 1part hot water, stir until dissolved.
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