Saturday, 20 August 2016

三色奶茶 Teh C Peng Special (3 Layer Milk Tea)


材料 Ingredients:
亚答糖 Gula Apong
淡奶 Evaporated Milk
无糖浓茶 Sugarless Brewed Tea
冰块 Ice Cubes

做法 Method:
1. 亚答糖加入少许热水,搅拌至融化成糖浆。
Add a little hot water to gula apong, stir until dissolved to form sugar syrup.

2. 玻璃杯内加入适量亚答糖浆,分量依据个人甜度喜好。
Put suitable amount of sugar syrup in a glass,  amount of syrup depend on personal sweetness preference.

3. 将冰块填满杯子,慢慢倒入淡奶。
Add ice cubes until it fills up the glass, pour evaporated milk gradually.

4. 加入无糖浓茶。
Fill the glass with sugarless brewed tea.

小小贴士 Cheryl's Tip
1. 亚答糖可以用椰糖代替,将椰糖切小块,锅内加入少许水放入椰糖,以小火煮至糖完全融化。
Gula apong can be substituted by gula melaka (palm sugar),  melting the the finely chopped chunks with a bit of water over a gentle flame on the stove top.

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