Monday, 21 April 2014

烤番薯 Baked Sweet Potato

材料 Ingredients:
番薯     Sweet Potato

做法 Method: 
1.  将番薯洗净,沥干,排在双面锅上。
Scrub the outer skin of the sweet potato,  drain and arrange on Happy Call Pan.

2. 洒上少许水,盖紧锅盖,以小火烤,每5分钟左右翻面一次。
Sprinkle some water, lock the cover and cook over low heat. Flip every 5 minutes. 

3. 烤约20分钟,或至能用叉子插进去。
Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the sweet potato feel soft inside when poke with a fork.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Cheese Sticks 芝士棒

材料 Ingredients:
1cup      自发面粉     Self Raising Flour
30g      冷牛油     Cold Butter
1/2cup     刨丝车达芝士     Grated Cheddar Cheese
3tbsp     牛奶     Milk

做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉过筛到一个大碗。
Sieve self raising flour into a big bowl.

2. 将冷牛油切成小块,加入自发面粉里,用指尖揉成像面包糠的颗粒状。
Cut butter into small cube, add into self raising flour and rub until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.

3. 加入芝士,混合均匀。
Add in grated cheddar cheese, mix well. 

4. 倒入牛奶,揉成面团。
Pour in milk, continue mixing until dough forms.
5.  将面团杆平,切成条状。
Roll dough into a flat sheet and cut into stripes.

6. 稍微拧成麻花状,摆放在已铺上烘焙纸的烤盘。
Gently twist strips and put on a baking tray. 

7. 放入预热烤箱, 以160度烤15-20分钟或至金黄色。
Put into pre heat oven, bake at 160 Celsius for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

芋香芝士燕菜 Yam & Cheese Jelly

材料 (3杯)Ingredients (3cups):
2tsp     燕菜粉     Agar-agar Powder
45g      糖     Sugar
125m     淡奶     Evaporated Milk 
160ml     清水    Water
50g     忌廉芝士    Cream Cheese

1 1/4 tsp    燕菜粉     Agar-agar Powder
50g     糖     Sugar
50ml     淡奶     Evaporated Milk
200ml    清水    Water
160g     芋泥     Yam Paste

做法 Method:
芝士层 Cream Cheese Layer
1. 将材料A, 除了忌廉芝士,以小火煮至融化。

2. 放入 忌廉芝士,以小火,不停搅拌,煮至全部融化。

3. 过筛后倒入模。

芋泥层  Yam Paste Layer
1. 将材料B以小火煮滚。

2. 过筛,待芝士层7-8分凝固时倒入模。

Thursday, 10 April 2014

金牌炸排骨 Fried Pork Ribs

材料 Ingredients:
500g     排骨     Pork Ribs

腌料  Marinates:
1tbsp     蒜泥     Minced Garlic
1tbsp     酱青     Light Soy Sauce
1tbsp   绍兴酒     Shao Xing Wine (Cooking Wine)
1tsp     盐     Salt
1tsp     糖     Sugar
2tbsp     普通面粉     Plain Flour
2tbsp     玉米粉     Corn Flour
1nos      鸡蛋     Egg

做法 Method:
1.  排骨洗净,加入腌料,放入冰箱冷藏隔夜。
Rinse pork ribs, add in marinates and put in the fridge for overnight. 

2. 锅内放入适量油,烧热,放入排骨,以中小火炸至金黄色或至熟。
Heat oil, add in marinates pork ribs, deep fry over medium low heat until golden brown or cooked.

3. 把排骨捞起,转大火,再次放入排骨炸约1-2分钟。
Dish up the ribs, turn to high heat, return the ribs into oil and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

4. 捞起,沥干油即可。
Dish up and ready to serve.

巧克力玛芬 Chocolate Muffin


材料 (约20粒)Ingredients (About 20pcs):
230g     自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
30g       可可粉    Cocoa Powder
1/2tsp  苏打粉     Baking Soda
2pcs     鸡蛋     Eggs
170g      糖     Sugar
195ml     牛奶   Milk
90ml     玉米油     Corn Oil
40g     巧克力粒     Chocolate Chips
40g     葡萄干     Raisin

做法 Method: 
1. 将自发面粉、可可粉和苏打粉混合过筛,备用。
Sieve self raising flour, cocoa powder and baking soda together, set aside.

2. 鸡蛋打散,加入糖搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat the eggs, add in sugar and mix evenly. 

3. 加入牛奶和玉米油,拌匀。
Pour in milk and corn oil, stir till well combine.

4. 加入粉类,搅拌均匀。
Add in flours,  mix well.

5. 加入巧克力粒和葡萄干。
Add in chocolate chips and raisin. 

6. 将面糊倒入纸杯,八分满。
Put batter in the paper cup, about 3/4 cup fill. 

7. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烘20分钟或至熟。
Bake in pre heat oven with 150 Celsius for 20 minutes or until cooked. 

冬瓜薏米糖水 Winter Melon & Barley Drink

材料 Ingredients:
薏米    Barley
糖冬瓜     Candied Winter Melon
清水      Water
冰糖     Rock Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 将薏米洗净,沥干。
Wash barley, drained.

Place barley and water in a pot and bring it to a boil. Reduce to low heat and let it cook for 30 minutes.

3. 放入糖冬瓜,继续煮半小时或至薏米软熟。
Add in candied winter melon and simmer for another 1/2 hour or till barley is soft.

4. 如果不够甜可以加入冰糖。
Taste if it is sweet enough, add rock sugar if prefer sweeter drink.

5. 搅拌至全部冰糖融化即可熄火。
Stir until rock sugar is totally dissolved and turn off the heat. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

桂圆红枣茶 Red Dates Tea

材料 Ingredients:
红枣 Red Dates
桂圆 (龙眼干) Dried Longan
枸杞  Goji Berries

做法 Method:
1. 将全部材料冲洗一遍。
Rinse all ingredients.

2. 把龙眼干和枸杞放入杯子里。
Put dried longan and goji berries in a cup.

3. 将红枣撕碎,放入同一个杯子。
Tear red dates into small pieces, put in the same cup. 

4. 冲入滚水,盖上盖子焖5分钟即可。
Pour in boiling water,  cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

江鱼仔花生 Anchovies & Peanuts

材料 Ingredients:
剖半的江鱼仔     Split Dried Anchovies
花生   Raw Peanuts

做法 Method:
1. 锅内放入适量油,放入花生炸至浅褐色,沥干油捞起。
In a wok, put some oil and fry raw peanuts until slightly brown, dish up. 

2. 待凉,洒上少许的幼盐,拌均匀。
Let cool, sprinkle some salt and mix well. 

3. 将中小火江鱼仔炸至酥脆,沥干油捞起。
 Fry anchovies over medium low heat until golden and crispy, dish up.

4. 待凉,加入花生,混合均匀即可装入密封罐。
Let cool, add in peanut, mix all together and keep in a airtight container.

Monday, 7 April 2014

自发绿豆芽 Home Grown Mung Bean Sprout

材料 Ingredients:
绿豆 Mung Bean

需要的东西 Things Require:
筛子  Strainer
面盆 (最好是不透明的) Basin (preferably that not transparent)
布 / 毛巾 Cloth / Towel

做法 Method:
1. 将劣质的绿豆选出丢掉。
Pick out the bad mung beans.

2. 将绿豆冲洗干净。
Rinse the beans.

3. 把绿豆放在一个小碗里,加入盖过面的清水,浸泡过夜。
Soak the beans in a small bowl for overnight.

4. 准备一个筛子,铺上一块布或毛巾。
Prepare a strainer, place a cloth or towel on it. 

5.  把绿豆平铺在上面。
Put the beans onto the cloth or towel.

6.  绿豆上面盖上一块布或毛巾,压上重物。
Place another cloth or towel over the beans to cover them, place some stone or bricks on top of the beans. 

7. 将筛子放入另外一个较大的面盆。
Sit the strainer inside a basin.

8.  放在避光的地方,每天冲水3次。
 Keep the beans in the dark and shower them three times a day. 

9. 三到四天左右即可收成。
Bean sprout is ready for harvest in 3-4 days. 

小小贴士 Cheryl's Tip:

1. 千万别让豆芽见光哦!我就是按耐不住好奇心好几次掘开布看,结果豆芽有点苦。

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

嘛嘛炒面 Mee Mamak

材料 Ingredients:
油面      Noodle
蒜茸      Minced Garlic
豆腐卜 Tauhu Pok
包菜     Cabbage
甜菜心  Mustard Green
鸡蛋      Egg

调味料 Seasonings
2tbsp     生抽  Soy Sauce
2tbsp     老抽  Dark Soy Sauce
1tsp       蚝油  Oyster Sauce

做法 Method:
1.  烧热少许油,爆香蒜茸。
Heat wok with some cooking oil, saute garlic until fragrant.

2. 放入豆腐卜、包菜和甜菜心,翻炒片刻。
Add in tauhu pok, cabbage and mustard green, stir fry.

3. 放入油面和调味料,翻炒均匀, 移至锅边。
Add in noodle and seasoning, stir fry until cooked., slide to the side.

4. 打入鸡蛋,鸡蛋半凝固是把面条盖到鸡蛋上,炒匀即可。
Crack in egg, leave for about a minutes. Then cover the egg with the ingredients and stir-fry evenly.