Friday, 28 July 2017

巧克力乳酪蛋糕 Chocolate Cheesecake

材料(7寸圆模) Ingredients (7" Round Mold):
巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
250g   奶油芝士   Cream Cheese
45g   黄糖   Brown Sugar
1pc   鸡蛋   Egg
150ml   鲜奶油   Whipping Cream
125g   烹饪巧克力   Cooking Chocolate
3tbsp   可可粉   Cocoa Powder

芝士层 Cheese Layer
250g   奶油芝士   Cream Cheese
60g   幼糖   Castor Sugar
2pcs   鸡蛋   Eggs
1tbsp   柠檬汁   Lemon Juice
80g   酸奶油   Sour Cream

做法 Method:
巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
1. 可可粉过筛,备用。
Sieve cocoa powder, set aside.

2. 烹饪巧克力隔水融化,备用。
Melt cooking chocolate using double boil method, set aside.

3. 将奶油芝士和黄糖搅拌至顺滑。
Beat cream cheese and brown sugar until smooth.

4. 倒入融化巧克力,搅拌均匀。
Add in melted cooking chocolate, mix well.

5. 鸡蛋打散,分两次加入面糊中,第一次的蛋液必须搅拌均匀之后才加入另一半的蛋液。
 Slightly beat the egg with a fork, divide into two portions, mix well after add in one portion of egg mixture, continues with rest of egg mixture.

6. 将鲜奶油和可可粉交替加入面糊中,拌匀。
 Add in whipping cream and cocoa powder alternately , mix well.

7.  将面糊倒入已抹油的圆模中,以水浴法160度烤40分钟或至蛋糕表面凝固。
 Pour the batter into a greased cake mold, bake using water bath method at 160 Celcius for 40 minutes or until the surface is firm.

芝士层 Cheese Layer 
8. 将奶油芝士和幼糖搅拌至软滑。
Beat cream cheese and castor sugar until smooth.

9. 逐粒加入鸡蛋,拌匀。
Add in eggs (one a time), mix well. 

10. 加入柠檬汁和酸奶油,拌匀。
Add in lemon juice and sour cream, beat until incorporated. 

11. 将芝士面糊倒在巧克力蛋糕上,以水浴法150度烤40分钟或至熟。
Pour the butter on the chocolate cake, bake using water bath method at 150 Celcius for 40 minutes or until done.

Friday, 14 April 2017

青苔蛋糕 Kek Lumut (Moss Cake)


 材料 (7寸方模) Ingredients (7" Square Mold):
 225g   牛油 Butter
 1/4cup   幼糖 Castor Sugar
5pcs    鸡蛋 Eggs 
1cup   Nestum麦片 (搅成粉) Nestum (Blend into powder)
1/2 cup   杏仁粉 Almond Powder
1/2cup   好力克 Horlicks
1/2cup   低筋面粉(过筛) Hong Kong Flour (Sifted)
1/2cup   炼乳 Sweet Condensed Milk
数滴苹果绿色素 Few drop of Apple Green Food Coloring

做法 Method:
1.  牛油和幼糖打发。
Beat butter and castor sugar till fluffy.

2.  加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

3. 加入炼乳,搅拌均匀。
 Stir in sweet condensed milk, mix well.

4.  交替拌入已搅成粉的麦片、好力克、杏仁粉和低筋面粉,拌匀。
Add the Nestum powder, Horlicks, almond powder and hong kong flour alternately , mix well.

5. 滴入适量苹果绿色素,拌匀。
Add few drop of apple green food coloring, mix till well combined.

 6. 将面糊倒入已抹油的蛋糕模,盖上锡纸,以中火蒸2 1/2个小时。
Pour the batter into a greased cake mold, cover with aluminum foil,  steam for 2 1/2 hours.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake


 材料 (7寸圆形活动模)Ingredients (7"Round Springform Cake Mould):
100g   Oreo饼干 Oreo Biscuits
40g    牛油 Butter
500g   奶油芝士 Cream Cheese
140g   幼糖 Castor Sugar
3pcs   鸡蛋 Eggs
150g   酸奶油 Sour Cream
1 1/2 tbsp   柠檬汁 Lemon Juice

做法 Method:
1. 7寸圆形脱底模底部铺上一张烘焙纸,用2层锡箔纸把蛋糕模的底部和边缘包起来,以防进水。
Line the base of a 7” springform cake mould with baking paper.Wrap outside of mould in a double layer of foil, covering the underside and extending all the way to the top to prevent water leaking in.

2. 将Oreo饼干用搅拌机搅成粉状。
Blend oreo biscuits into powder.

2. 牛油隔水溶化,加入饼干粉混合均匀,平铺在脱底模底部,用汤匙压平压紧。
Melt butter using double boil method, add in biscuits powder , mix well. Press the crumbs evenly into the bottom of the mould using a spoon.

3. 把饼底以150度烤5分钟后取出备用。
Bake the crust at 150 Celcius for 5 minutes, take out from oven and set aside.

4. 将室温软化的奶油芝士和幼糖搅拌至幼滑。
Beat softened cream cheese and castor until smooth.
 5. 把鸡蛋逐个加入芝士糊中,确保搅拌均匀后才加入下一个。
 Add in the eggs, one at a time and make sure that the egg is well-incorporated before adding the next.

 6. 加入酸奶油和柠檬汁,拌匀。
Stir in sour cream and lemon juice, mix well.

 7. 用刷子点上少许油,轻刷烤模围边 
Without touching the crust, brush the sides of the inside of the mould with butter.

8. 把芝士糊倒入中,在桌上顿几下以去除多余的空气。
 Pour the cheese filling onto the crust and tap the mould for several times.

 9. 送入已预热150度的烤箱,以水浴法烤70分钟或至熟。
Transfer to a preheat oven, bake with 150 Celcius for 70 minutes or until cooked in water bath.
 10. 蛋糕烤好后,把烤盘里的水倒掉,让蛋糕在烤箱里自然冷却。
When the cake is done, pour off the water. Leave the cake cool in the oven.

 11. 待蛋糕冷却后,盖上锡纸放进冰箱冷藏至少4个小时或隔夜即可。
Cover loosely with foil and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight before serving.

Friday, 7 April 2017

湿润巧克力蛋糕 II (蒸) Moist Chocolate Cake II (Steamed)


材料(7"圆模) Ingredients (7" Round Mold):
180g 牛油 Butter
180g 黄糖 Brown Sugar
200ml 全脂淡奶 Full Cream Evaporated Milk
2nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
100g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
50g 无糖巧克力粉 Sugarless Chocolate Powder
1/2tsp 苏打粉 Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)
做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉、巧克力粉和苏打粉过筛,备用。
Sift self raising flour, chocolate powder and baking soda, set aside.
2. 将全脂淡奶、糖和牛油隔水加热直全部牛油和糖融化。
Double boil full cream evaporated milk, sugar and butter until all sugar and butter dissolved.
3. 将鸡蛋用叉子打散,慢慢加入稍微冷却的淡奶糊,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat eggs with fork, add it slowly into slightly cold evaporated milk mixture, stir till well mix.
4. 拌入已过筛的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.
5. 将面糊倒入已抹油的模,盖上锡纸。
Pour the batter into a greased mold, cover the mold loosely using a piece of aluminium foil.
6. 以中火蒸约30分钟或至熟。
Steam over medium heat for about 30 minutes or until cooked.

Monday, 20 March 2017

牛油芝士蛋糕 Butter Cheese Cake


材料(7寸方模) Ingredients (7" Square Mold):
160g 牛油 Butter
100g 奶油芝士 Cream Cheese
200g 幼糖 Castor Sugar
5pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
210g 自发面粉 Self Rising Flour

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油、奶油芝士和幼糖打发。
Beat butter, cream cheese and castor sugar till fluffy.

 2. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

3. 拌入已过筛的自发面粉,搅拌均匀。
Fold in sifted self rising flour, mix well.

 4. 倒入抹油的烤模。
Pour the batter into a greased mold.

5. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烤一个小时或至熟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

偷工减料版英式早餐 Simple English Breakfast

 老公不喜欢吃scarmble egg

马铃薯泥材料 Ingredients:
 马铃薯 Potato
 白兰他 / 牛油 Planta / Butter
牛奶 Milk
盐 Salt

做法 Method:
1.  马铃薯去皮切块。
2. 锅内放入马铃薯块,加入盖过薯块的水和少许盐,煮至马铃薯软透,捞起沥干。
3. 趁热加入适量白兰他 / 牛油,把马铃薯压成泥。
4. 加入少许牛奶,调成个人喜好的浓度。
5. 加入少许盐调味,拌匀即可。

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


材料 Ingredients:
5pcs  香兰叶 (剪小段)
100ml 水

100ml 椰奶
3tsp 燕菜粉
7tbsp 糖
500ml  水

做法 Method:

1.  将A搅成汁,过滤备用。

2. 做法1加入B,搅拌均匀。

3. 倒入锅内以中火煮至滚,期间要不停搅拌。

4. 水滚后, 调至小火, 继续煮5分钟。

5. 倒入模子,待凉即可放入冰箱。

Monday, 6 February 2017



材料 Ingredients:

1. 将五花肉切小片, 加入南乳、南乳汁、数滴姜汁和少许盐腌制片刻。

2. 加入一个鸡蛋,拌匀。

3. 加入玉米粉至形成浓稠的面糊

4. 逐片放入油锅炸至熟。

5. 起锅前把肉捞起,转大火,待油温升高再把肉倒回炸一会,即可。

Monday, 9 January 2017

汤圆 Glutinous Rice Ball


材料 Igredients: 
300g  糯米粉 Glutinous Flour
280ml 热滚水 Hot Boiling Water
2tbsp  糖 Sugar
红色素  Red Coloring

做法 Method:
 1. 将糯米粉和糖混合均匀。

2. 倒入热水,用饭勺混合,待稍凉搓揉成团。

3. 把粉团分成两份,一份加入红色素,一份保留原色。

4. 把粉团搓成长条状,再捏出小团搓圆,放在撒上糯米粉的大盘。

5. 时不时摇动大盘让汤圆裹上粉避免沾粘。

 糖水材料 Sugar Syrup Ingredients:
水 Water
 冰糖 Rock Sugar
香兰叶 (打结) Pandan Leaves (Knotted)

做法 Method:
1. 锅内加入水和香兰叶, 用大火煮滚后加入适量冰糖煮至融化后转小火。

2. 把汤圆放在筛子,在水喉下用水冲走多余的粉后直接放入煮着的糖水。

3. 转大火,盖上锅盖,煮至汤圆浮起即可。