Thursday, 5 December 2013
自制鸡丝 Homemade Chicken Floss
材料 Ingredients:
鸡胸肉 Chicken Breast Meat
姜片 Ginger Slices
生抽 Light Soy Sauce
糖 Sugar
鱼露 Fish Sauce
做法 Method:
1. 将鸡胸肉去皮,顺着纹路切成细条。
2. 将肉条和姜片放入锅内,加入盖过水肉的水量。用大火煮滚,再转成小火煮直烂熟。
3. 把肉捞出沥干水分,待凉。
4. 将肉放入食品袋(用奶粉袋更好),用擀面棍擀散。
5. 取出肉丝,加入适量的生抽、鱼露和汤调味,拌匀。
6. 将肉均匀的铺在锅中,将火调至最小,不断翻炒至肉丝蓬松即可。
7. 炒好的肉丝要趁热摊开晾凉,彻底晾凉后就可装瓶密封。
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
轻芝士蛋糕 Light Cheese Cake
材料(6" 圆模) Ingredients (6" round mold):
200ml 鲜奶 Fresh Milk
125g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
70g 牛油 Butter
70g 香港面粉 Hong Kong Flour
70g 幼糖 Caster Sugar
2nos 鸡蛋 (A级)Eggs (Grade A)
1/2 tsp 柠檬汁 Lemon Juice
做法 Method:
1. 把忌廉芝士和牛油提前放到室温下软化。
Take out cream cheese and butter in advance to soften it to room temperature.
2. 将忌廉芝士、牛油和鲜奶隔水加热,搅拌直无颗粒。待凉备用。
Place cream cheese, butter and fresh milk over double boiler. Stir occasionally, until butter and cream cheese completely melted and the mixture turn smooth. Remove from heat and set aside to cool down.
3. 将蛋白和蛋黄分开。把蛋白放入无油无水的干净大碗,加入柠檬汁打直发泡。加入幼糖,继续打至湿性发泡。
Separate egg white and egg yolk. Place egg whites in a large clean bowl. Whisk egg whites and lemon juice, add in sugar gradually and whisk till soft peaks form.
4. 待芝士糊凉后,加入蛋黄拌匀。
After cream cheese mixture has cooled down, add in egg yolks and mix well.
5. 筛入香港面粉,搅拌直无颗粒。
Sift in hong kong flour and mix well. Make sure there aren’t any flour lumps.
6. 以抹刀拌入蛋白霜,混合均匀。
Fold in the meringue (egg whites) gently with a spatula until all ingredients are evenly combined.
7. 把面糊倒进烤模,以水浴法,160度烤50分钟或至熟。
Pour the batter into a greased pan. Bake at 160C using water-bath method for 50 minutes or until cooked.
8. 熄火, 将烤箱门稍微打开约10分钟。
Turn off the oven. Leave the oven door ajar for about 10 minutes.
9. 将蛋糕取出,放在铁架上待凉。冷藏后口感更佳。
Remove the cake from oven and cool completely on a wire rack. Best serve chilled.
Remove the cake from oven and cool completely on a wire rack. Best serve chilled.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
自制香菇粉 Homemade Mushroom Powder
材料 Ingredients:
干香菇 Dry Shitake Mushroom
做法 Method:
1. 把干香菇用清水冲干净(千万不可浸泡)。
Rinse dry shitake mushroom with water (do not soak).
2. 将干香菇放在烈日下曝晒至没有水分。
Dry mushroom under hot sun
3. 用剪刀去蒂,剪成小块。
Remove the stems using a scissor, then cut into small pieces.
4. 均匀的平铺在烤盘上,放入烤箱以100度烘烤至完全干透(每隔几分钟翻面)。取出待凉。
Arrange the mushroom in a single layer on a baking tray, roast at 100 degree celsius until completely dry (flip every several minutes). Remove from the oven and let cool.
5. 把干香菇放入搅拌机,打成细腻的粉状。
Transfer mushroom to a blender, process into fine powder.
Usage: Can add into all kinds of soups or dishes to replace MSG.Also can add in for making dumplings and steamed buns.
Friday, 29 November 2013
婴儿食谱: 鸡汤马铃薯泥 Baby Food: Mashed Potato
材料 Ingredients (6m+):
鸡胸肉 Chicken Breast
清水 Plain Water
马铃薯 Potato
做法 Method:
1. 鸡胸肉洗净,去皮切小片。
Rinse chicken breast, remove the skin and slice.
2. 将鸡胸肉放入锅中,加入足够的清水,以小火煮成鸡汤。
Put the chicken breast in a pot, add in enough plain water, cook over low heat to make chicken broth.
3. 马铃薯去皮切小块,放入蒸锅蒸至熟软。
Peel and dice potato, steam until cooked and tender.
4. 将马铃薯碾成泥,加入适量鸡汤调匀即可。
Mash potato, add chicken broth as needed to reach desired consistency.
如何挑选马铃薯 How to Select Potatoes
- 尽量选择表面光滑、无病变、无虫咬的马铃薯。避免选购发芽和变绿的马铃薯。
- Look for potatoes that are firm and free of cracks, blemishes, or soft spots.Avoid green or sprouting potatoes.
Monday, 25 November 2013
蜜芋头 Taro in Syrup
材料 Ingredients:
芋头 Taro
砂糖 Granulated Sugar
清水 Plain Water
做法 Method:
1. 将芋头去皮切大块。
Peel and cut the taro into big chunks.
2. 将芋头放入锅中,加入刚盖过芋头的水量。以不加盖的方式,用大火煮滚,再改成中火继续煮至芋头可用筷子轻松刺过的熟度。
Put the taro in a pot, add in water that is enough to cover the taro. Cook using high heat with the pot uncover, bring it to boil. Then, turn to medium heat and cook until taro is soft.
3. 接着加入砂糖,盖上锅盖转小火慢熬直糖浆黏稠即可。
Add in granulated sugar, cover t
he pot and cook until the syrup is thick.
Friday, 22 November 2013
婴儿食谱:奶香红薯泥 Baby Food: Sweet Potato Puree with Milk
材料 (适合6个月以上的宝宝适用) Ingredients (For baby 6months and above):
红薯 Sweet Potato
配方奶 / 母乳 Formula Milk / Breast Milk
做法 Method:
1. 将红薯去皮切小块,上锅蒸至熟。.
Peel sweet potato, cut into chunks. Steam until soft and cooked.
2. 用汤匙把红薯压成泥,过筛。
Mash sweet potato with a spoon, sieve.
3. 加入适量配方奶/母乳,调匀即可。
Add suitable amount of formula milk or breast milk, mix well.
- 红薯含有丰富的淀粉、膳食纤维(dietary fiber)、胡萝卜素(carotene)、维生素A、B、C、E以及钾(pottasium)、铁(iron)、铜(copper)、硒(selenium)、钙(calcium)等10余种微量元素和亚油酸(linoleic acid)等
婴儿食谱: 南瓜蛋黄泥 Baby Food: Egg York and Pumpkin Puree
材料 (适合6个月以上的宝宝食用) Ingredients (Suitable for baby 6months and above):
鸡蛋 Egg
南瓜 Pumpkin
温开水 Warm Water
做法 Method:
1. 将鸡蛋放入锅内,加入盖过鸡蛋的水量。
Put the egg in a pot, fill the pot with enough cold tap water to cover the egg completely.
2. 加入少许盐,把盖子盖上,以大火煮开。
Add a pinch of salt to the water and put on the lid.
3. 水开后,转小火,继续煮5分钟。
As soon as the water start to boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes.
4. 熄火,让蛋在锅里焖10分钟。
Turn off the heat, leaves the egg in the hot water for 10 minutes.
5. 将鸡蛋放在水喉下冲洗或放入冰水降温。
Chill the egg by placing it under cold running water or in a bowl of ice water. Let it sit for a few minutes until the egg are cool.
6. 将鸡蛋剥壳,把蛋白和蛋黄分开。
Peel the egg and separate the egg yolk and egg white.
7. 用汤匙将蛋黄碾成泥,备用。
Mash egg yolk with a spoon, set aside.
8.Peel and de-seed pumpkin, cut into chunks. Steam until soft and cooked.
9. Mash pumpkin with a spoon.
10. Combine egg yolk puree and pumpkin puree, add suitable amount of warm water for thinner consistency.
- 南瓜富含钙(calcium)、磷(phophorus)、铁(iron)、碳水化合物(carbohydrate) 和多种维生素,其中胡萝卜素(carotane)含量丰富。
- 蛋黄含有有大量的胆碱(choline)、卵磷脂(DHA)和丰富的维生素以及多种微量元素(例如钾(potassium)、钠 (sodium)、镁(magnasium)、磷(phosphorus)、铁(iron)),特别是蛋黄中的铁质达7毫克/100克。蛋黄中还有宝贵的 维生素A、维生素D、维生素E和维生素K。就算是水溶性的维生素B族,绝大多数也存在于蛋黄当中。蛋黄里面还含有意想不到的健康成分—那就是叶黄素 (lutein)和玉米黄素(zeaxanthin)。
Monday, 18 November 2013
南瓜浓汤 Creamy Pumpkin Soup
材料 Ingredients:
南瓜 Pumpkin
马铃薯 Potato
洋葱 Onion
牛油 Butter
清水 Plain Water
鲜奶 Fresh Milk
盐 Salt
做法 Method:
1. 将洋葱切碎,南瓜和马铃薯去皮切丁,备用。
Chop onion, peel pumpkin and potato, cut into chunks, set aside.
2. 锅里放一小块牛油,融化后放入洋葱末炒香。
Melt butter in saucepan, add onion and saute until fragrant
3. 加入南瓜丁和马铃薯丁,翻炒片刻。
Add in pumpkin and potato, cook for a while.
4. 加入刚盖过蔬菜的水量用大火煮开后,转小火煮南瓜和马铃薯变软, 离火放凉。
Add some water, bring to boil, reduce heat to low and cook until vegetables are tender, cool slightly.
5. 把材料舀出,放进搅拌机里打成泥。
Transfer broth mixture into a blender. Process until smooth.
6. 然后倒回锅中加热,加适量鲜奶,用小火一边煮一边搅拌至沸腾。加少许盐调味即可。
Return soup to pot and reheat, add in some fresh milk, stirring occasionally on low heat, bring to a boil. Add a pinch of salt to taste.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
番薯糖水 Sweet Potato Dessert Soup
材料 Ingredients:
番薯 Sweet Potato
姜 Ginger
红枣 Red Dates
清水 Plain Water
红糖 Brown Sugar
做法 Method:
1. 番薯去皮,切小块。
2. 姜去皮,切片。
3. 锅内倒入适量清水,放入番薯、姜片和红枣。
4. 以大火煮开,然后转小火慢炖,煮直番薯变软。
5. 加入红糖,搅拌均匀,红糖煮溶即可。
Friday, 25 October 2013
椰丝卷 Kuih Lenggang
材料 Ingredients:
饼皮 Crepe
2/3 cup 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
160ml 椰浆 Coconut Milk
125ml 清水 Plain Water
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1 1/2tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
内馅 Filling
180g 嫩椰丝 Grated Coconut
60g 椰糖 Palm Sugar
2tbsp 白砂糖 Sugar
60ml 清水 Plain Water
2pcs 香兰叶(打结) Pandan Leaves (Knotted)
做法 Method:
内馅 Filling
2. 加入香兰叶和嫩椰丝, 以小火将椰丝炒至略干,盛起后备用。
饼皮 Crepe
1. 将饼皮材料搅拌均匀,过滤后置放30分钟。
2. 以小火烧热不粘底的平底锅,抹少许油,倒入适量面糊。
3. 转动平底锅, 使面糊成圆形薄片, 以小火煎直熟,取出。
4. 包入椰子馅,卷成圆筒形即可食用。
Thursday, 17 October 2013
鱼排 Fish Fillet
鸡蛋 (打散) Egg (Slightly beaten)
普通面粉 Plain Flour
面包糠 Bread Crumb
1/2 nos 洋葱 (切丝) Onion (Shredded)
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
100ml 清水 Plain Water
2tbsp 日本酱油 Japanese Soy Sause
2tsp 糖 Sugar
1. 鱼排洗净,抹上少许盐,腌10分钟。
2. 热锅,倒入适量的油。将鱼排依序沾上普通面粉、蛋液和面包糠,放入油中炸至熟,捞起待稍凉切成条状,备用。
3. 热锅,倒入少许油。将洋葱炒香,放入糖、日本酱油和清水煮滚。转小火煮直酱料变浓。
4. 放入鱼扒,煮约1分钟。
5. 把蛋液倒在鱼扒上,煮2-3分钟。
6. 将鱼扒盛起,放在白饭上即可食用。
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
木薯糕 (蒸) Tapioca Kueh (Steamed)
材料 Ingredients:
800g 木薯 (刨丝) Tapioca (Grated)
250g 白糖 Sugar
200g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
130g 西米 Tapioca Pearl / Sago
50g 木薯粉 Tapioca Starch
200ml 清水 Plain Water
3pcs 香兰叶(打结) Pandan Leaves (Knotted)
150g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
做法 Method:
1. 将材料 B 混合均匀,蒸10分钟,备用。
Mix ingredients B, steam for 10 minutes, set aside.
2. 西米用冷水浸泡1个小时,冲洗几次将淀粉洗净后沥干。
Soak tapioca pearl in cold water for an hour, wash a few times to get rid of the starch and drain well.
3. 将材料A搅拌均匀,倒入抹了油的模,把香兰叶放在木薯糊上,蒸40分钟。
Mix all ingredients A, pour into a lightly greased mold, place pandan leaves on the tapioca mixture and steam for 40 minutes.
4. 取出待凉后,即可切块,沾椰丝食用。
Set aside to cool down. Cut into bite size and coat with grated coconut. Ready to serve.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
发糕 Huat Kuih
材料 Ingredients:
240ml 热水 Hot Water
200g 糖 Sugar
240g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
60g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
1/2tsp 发粉 Baking Powder
食用红色素 Red Food Coloring
做法 Method:
1. 把材料 A 搅拌均匀,待冷备用。
2. 蒸锅加入水,煮沸。
3. 把材料B混合过筛。
4. 加入材料A, 拌匀。
5. 加入少许红色素,拌匀。
6. 在小铁杯里铺入纸杯。
7. 将面糊倒入纸杯约8分满。
8. 盖上锅盖,以大火蒸18分钟即可。
Saturday, 24 August 2013
杏仁马铃薯煎饼 Potato Almond Pancake
材料 Ingredients
125g 马铃薯泥 Mashed Potatoes
50g 牛油 Butter
50G 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1tsp 杏仁粉 Almond Powder
1tsp 双效发粉 Double Action Baking Powder
45g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
做法 Method:
1. 将材料A 和材料 B分别混合拌匀。
Mix ingredients A and ingredients B separately.
2. 将所有材料放入大碗,搅拌成软面团。
In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well to form a soft dough.
3. 将面团平均分成30克左右,搓圆后压扁。
Divide the dough into small portions about 30g each, shape into round and flatten.
4. 不粘锅抹上少许牛油,排入小面团,以小火煎至两面金黄色即可。
In a non-stick pan, spread on some butter, arrange the dough in it, pan-fry over low heat on each side until golden brown.
Sunday, 7 July 2013
九层糕 Kuih Lapis
材料 Ingredients:
1cup 清水 Plain Water
3/4 (1/2 + 1/4) cup 糖 Sugar
5pcs 香兰叶 (打结) Pandan Leaves (Knotted)
1cup 粘米粉 Rice Flour
1cup 普通面粉 Plain Flour
4cup 椰浆 Coconut Milk
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
红色素 Red Food Colouring
青色素 Green Food Colouring
做法 Method:
1. 将材料A 煮至糖融化,待凉备用。
2. 将冷却后的材料A 加入材料 B, 搅拌均匀后过滤。
3. 将面糊分成三等份。
4. 将两份面糊分别加入适量的红色素和青色素。白色的那份加入盐,搅拌均匀。
5. 将三种颜色的面糊分别分成三份,一份约133毫升。
6. 把蒸模涂上一层食油,放入蒸锅预先蒸热。
7. 倒入一份红色面糊,蒸约5分钟或至熟。
8. 慢慢倒入白色面糊, 蒸约5分钟或至熟。
9. 慢慢倒入青色面糊,蒸约5分钟或至熟。
10. 重复至所有面糊用完,最后一层需蒸至少15分钟。
11. 取出待凉后,即可切块食用。
Saturday, 6 July 2013
牛油蛋糕(蒸) Butter Cake (Steamed)
250g 牛油 Butter
160g 糖 Sugar
250g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
5pcs 鸡蛋 Eggs
做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉过筛,备用。
Sieve self raising flour, place aside.
2. 将牛油和糖打发。
Cream butter and brown sugar till fluffy.
3. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.
4. 拌入自发面粉,搅拌均匀。
Fold in self raising flour, mix well.
5. 将面糊分别倒入蛋糕模,以中火蒸10分钟或至熟。
Pour the batter into cake molds, steam over medium heat for 10 minutes or until cooked.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
600g 三层肉 Pork Belly
5tbsp 酱青 Light Soy Sauce
5tbsp 糖 Sugar
1tbsp 酱油 Dark Soy Sauce
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 蜜糖 Honey
做法 Method:
1. 将三层肉去皮,备用。
2. 把酱青、糖、酱油、蚝油和蜜糖混合。
3. 把三层肉放入酱汁内,放入冰箱腌过夜。
4. 把三层肉和全部酱汁倒入电饭锅,按煮饭键。
5. 每隔十分钟将三层肉反面一次,至肉煮熟。
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
巧克力芝士蛋糕(蒸) Chocolate Cheese Layer Cake (Steamed)
巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
200g 牛油 Butter
220g 糖 Sugar
180ml 全脂淡奶 Full Cream Evaporated Milk
4nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
250g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
50g 可可粉 Cocoa Powder
1/2tsp 发粉 Baking Powder
1/2tsp 苏打粉 Baking Soda
芝士层 Cheese Layer
500g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
100g 糖 Sugar
3nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
做法 Method:
1. 把普通面粉、可可粉、发粉和苏打粉混合,过筛。
Whisk plain flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda together, sieve.
2. 将牛油和糖打至松发。
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.
3. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.
4. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in flours and mix well.
5. 加入全脂淡奶,拌匀。
Mix in full cream evaporated milk, stir well.
6. 把面糊分成三份。
Divide batter into three portions.
7. 将忌廉芝士和糖打发。
Beat cream cheese and sugar until fluffy.
8. 加入鸡蛋,拌匀。
Add in eggs, beat well.
9. 把芝士糊分成两份。
Divide cream cheese batter into two portions..
10. 把一份巧克力面糊倒入蛋糕模,蒸15分钟或至熟。
Pour one portion of chocolate batter into pan, steamed for 15 minutes
or until cake are done.
11. 倒入芝士面糊,蒸15分钟或至熟。
Pour in cream cheese batter, steamed for 15 minutes
or until cake are done.
12. 重复步骤10-11至五份面糊用玩。
Repeat step 10-11 until all 5 portions of batter are used.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
南乳炸鸡翅 & 炸肉
材料 Ingredients:
5pcs 鸡翅 Chicken Wing
250g 五花肉 Pork Belly
腌料 Marinade:
2tbsp 蒜泥 Minced Garlic
4pcs 南乳 Fermented Bean Curd
1tbsp 南乳汁 Sauce of Fermented Bean Curd
1tbsp 糖 Sugar
2tsp 花雕酒 Hua Diao Wine
1tsp 白米酒 Rice Wine
1/2 tsp 麻油 Sesame Oil
1/2 tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1/2tsp 味精 MSG
3tbsp 薯粉 Tapioca Starch
做法 Method:
1. 将全部腌料拌匀,分成两份。
2. 将五花肉切成小块,备用。
3. 把肉块和鸡翅分别加入腌料,腌制过夜。
4. 把肉块和鸡翅均匀的裹上粉浆, 放入热油以中小火把肉块和鸡翅炸至半熟捞起。
5. 转大火再把肉块和鸡翅倒入炸至熟,捞起沥干油份。
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
火腿芝士千层酥 Ham & Cheese Puff
材料 Ingredients:
2pcs Kawan牌千层酥皮(正方行) Kawan Puff Pastry (Square)
2pcs 火腿片 Ham Slices
1pc 芝士片 Cheese Slice
做法 Method:
1. 预先把千层酥皮从冰箱拿出来退冰。
Take out the puff pastry from fridge in advance to defrost.
2. 把火腿片放在千层酥皮上,然后放上芝士片,在铺上火腿片。
Put a slice of ham on the puff pastry, then put on a slice of cheese, then a slice of ham again.
3. 盖上千层酥皮,用叉子封口。
Cover with a puff pastry, seal it using a fork.
4. 放入预热烤箱,以200度烤至金黄色。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 200 Celsius until golden brown.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
糯米鸡 Loh Mai Kai
材料 Ingredients:
300g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
1nos 鸡腿 Chicken Drumstick
5pcs 香菇 Dried Mushroom
2pcs 腊肠Chinese Sausage
鸡肉腌料 Chicken Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1tbsp 麻油 Sesame Oil
少许糖 A pinch of sugar
糯米腌料 Glutinous Rice Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
2tbsp 糖 Sugar
鸡肉腌料 Chicken Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1tbsp 麻油 Sesame Oil
少许糖 A pinch of sugar
糯米腌料 Glutinous Rice Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
2tbsp 糖 Sugar
做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.
2. 将糯米沥干干,加入腌料拌匀后腌30分钟。
Drain glutinous rice, add in marinade and mix well. Marinate for 30 minutes.
3. 鸡腿去骨切小块,加入腌料腌30分钟。
Debone chicken drumstick and cut into small pieces. Add in marinade and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes.
4. 碗内依序放入鸡肉、香菇、香肠和糯米,压紧。
Put marinated chicken, dried mushroom, chinese sausage and marinated glutinous rice into a bowl. Press until firm.
5. 以中火蒸半个小时,然后在表面上洒些水,继续蒸至熟。
Steam over medium heat for half and hour, then sprinkle some water on the top of glutinous rice. Continue to steam until cooked.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
巧克力杯子蛋糕 (蒸) Chocolate Cupcake (Steamed)
材料 Ingredients:
180g 牛油 Butter
200ml 全脂淡奶 Full Cream Evaporated Milk
200g 黄糖 Brown Sugar
2nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
110g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
40g 可可粉 Cocoa Powder
做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉和可可粉过筛,备用。
Sift self raising flour and cocoa powder, set aside.
2. 将全脂淡奶、黄糖和牛油隔水加热直全部牛油和糖融化。
Double boil full cream evaporated milk, brown sugar and butter until all sugar and butter dissolved.
3. 将鸡蛋用叉子打散,慢慢加入稍微冷却的淡奶糊,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat eggs with fork, add it slowly into slightly cold evaporated milk mixture, stir till well mix.
4. 拌入已过筛的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.
5. 将面糊倒入纸杯约8分满。
Pour the batter into paper cup.
6. 以中火蒸约20分钟或至熟。
Steam over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until cooked.
奶油鱼片 Butter Fish Fillet
材料 Ingredients:
多利鱼片 Dory Fish Fillet
盐 Salt
玉米粉 Corn Flour
30g 牛油 Butter
90ml 淡奶 Evaporated Milk
1tbsp 糖 Sugar
咖喱叶 Curry leaves
做法 Method:
1. 将 多利鱼片洗净切成小块,用少许盐腌约15分钟。
Rinse dory fish fillet thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Marinate with a pinch of salt for about 15 minutes.
2. 将鱼片均匀的沾裹上玉米粉,然后放入热油里炸至熟,捞起。
Coat the marinated fish fillet with corn four and deep fry in oil until cooked. Put on kitchen papers to absorb excess oil.
3. 热锅,煮溶牛油,加入咖喱叶爆香。
Heat butter over low heat until melted. Add curry
leaves, stir fry until fragrant.
4. 加入淡奶和糖,以中火煮汁稍微浓稠,熄火。
Add evaporated milk and sugar. Cook over medium heat until sauce thickens. Turn off the heat.
5. 加入已炸好的鱼片,快速翻炒至所有鱼片都沾上酱汁即可。
Add in fried fish fillet, stir frequently until all the fish fillet coated with the sauce.
Sunday, 24 March 2013
合隆厨师煎炸粉 Hup Loong Cook's Frying Powder
一包245克就要 RM 2.20
120g 合隆厨师煎炸粉 Hup Loong Cook's Frying Powder
5tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
9tbsp 清水 Plain Water
做法 Method:
1. 将食油倒入煎炸粉搅拌均。
Mix cooking oil and cook's frying powder.
2. 倒入水混合均匀,备用。
Pour in water, stir well. Ready for use.
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
蜜糖玉米片 II Honey Cornflakes II
1box 原味玉米片 Plain Cornflakes Cereal
40g 牛油 Butter
50g 黄糖 Brown Sugar
50g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
100g 蜜糖 Honey
彩糖 Colorful Sugar Beads
做法 Method:
1. 将牛油,黄糖和炼乳隔水加热至全部融化。
Melt butter, brown sugar and sweetened condensed milk by double boiling.
2. 加入蜜糖搅拌均匀。
Mix in honey and stir well.
3. 加入玉米片,拌匀。
Add in cornflakes and raisins, stir till well-coated.
4. 用小匙将玉米片放入小纸杯。
Scoop cornflakes into mini paper cups using a teaspoon.
5. 撒上彩糖。
Sprinkle on some colorful sugar beads.
6. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烘烤15分钟或至表面少许浅褐色。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 15minutes or
until slightly brown.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
牛油蛋糕 Butter Cake
材料 Ingredients: 烤的时候一阵阵牛油香
227g 无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter
200g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
2tsp 双效发粉 Double Action Baking Powder
160g 黄糖 Brown Sugar
4nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
6tbsp 鲜奶 Fresh Milk
做法 Method:
1. 将普通面粉和双效发粉混合后过筛。
Mix the flour and the baking powder together and sieve.
2. 加入盐,混合均匀,备用。
Add in salt and mix well. Set aside.
3. 将牛油和黄糖打发。
Cream butter and brown sugar till fluffy.
4. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.
5. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.
6. 倒入鲜奶,搅拌均匀。
Stir in fresh milk, mix well.
7. 将面糊倒入烤模,放入预热烤箱,以150度烤1个小时或至熟。
Pour the batter into a greased mold, put into pre-heat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked.
Friday, 8 March 2013
巧克力马芬 Chocolate Muffin
材料 Ingredients:
200g 黑烹饪巧克力Dark Cooking Chocolate
70g 牛油Butter
2nos 鸡蛋Eggs
40g 糖Sugar
60g 普通面粉Plain Flour
1tsp 发粉Baking Powder
做法 Method:
1. 将黑烹饪巧克力和牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt dark cooking chocolate and butter by double boiling, place aside.
2. 将普通面粉和发粉过筛,备用。
Sift plain flour and baking powder, place aside.
3. 将鸡蛋打散,加入糖,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat the egg, then add in sugar, mix well.
4. 将蛋液倒入巧克力溶液,混合均匀。
Pour into chocolate mixture, stir well.
5. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in flours, mix well.
6. 将面糊倒入马芬杯子,约8分满。
Fill muffin cup with the batter for about 3/4 full.
6. 放入预热烤箱,以170度烤20分钟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 170 Celsius for 20 minutes.
Melt dark cooking chocolate and butter by double boiling, place aside.
2. 将普通面粉和发粉过筛,备用。
Sift plain flour and baking powder, place aside.
3. 将鸡蛋打散,加入糖,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat the egg, then add in sugar, mix well.
4. 将蛋液倒入巧克力溶液,混合均匀。
Pour into chocolate mixture, stir well.
5. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in flours, mix well.
6. 将面糊倒入马芬杯子,约8分满。
Fill muffin cup with the batter for about 3/4 full.
6. 放入预热烤箱,以170度烤20分钟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 170 Celsius for 20 minutes.
Friday, 1 March 2013
花生饼 Peanut Cookies
材料 Ingredients:
300g 普通面粉 Plain Flour (All Purpose Flour)
300g 花生碎 Ground Peanuts
200g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
200ml 花生油 Peanut Oil
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1nos 蛋黄 Egg York
做法 Method:
1. 将普通面粉和糖粉过筛 。
Sifted plain flour and icing sugar.
2. 将普通面粉、糖粉、花生碎和盐放入一个大碗混合均匀。
Mix plain flour, icing sugar, ground peanut and salt in a large bowl.
3. 慢慢倒入花生油,揉成面团。
Pour in the peanut oil gradually, knead it into a dough.
4. 把面团搓成小球状,放在已铺上烘焙纸的烤盘上,用筷子末端印在面团上。
Roll dough into small ball, place on baking tray that lined with baking paper. Press lightly with a chopstick.
5. 将蛋黄打散,均匀的涂在小面团表面。
Beat egg york, brush every cookies evenly with it.
6. 放入已预热的烤箱,以150度烘20分钟或至金黄色即可。
Put into pre heat oven, bake with 150 degree Celsius for 20minutes or until golden brown.
7. 待凉,收入密封的罐子。
Let cool, keep the cookies in an air tight container.
300g 普通面粉 Plain Flour (All Purpose Flour)
300g 花生碎 Ground Peanuts
200g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
200ml 花生油 Peanut Oil
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1nos 蛋黄 Egg York
做法 Method:
1. 将普通面粉和糖粉过筛 。
Sifted plain flour and icing sugar.
2. 将普通面粉、糖粉、花生碎和盐放入一个大碗混合均匀。
Mix plain flour, icing sugar, ground peanut and salt in a large bowl.
3. 慢慢倒入花生油,揉成面团。
Pour in the peanut oil gradually, knead it into a dough.
4. 把面团搓成小球状,放在已铺上烘焙纸的烤盘上,用筷子末端印在面团上。
Roll dough into small ball, place on baking tray that lined with baking paper. Press lightly with a chopstick.
5. 将蛋黄打散,均匀的涂在小面团表面。
Beat egg york, brush every cookies evenly with it.
6. 放入已预热的烤箱,以150度烘20分钟或至金黄色即可。
Put into pre heat oven, bake with 150 degree Celsius for 20minutes or until golden brown.
7. 待凉,收入密封的罐子。
Let cool, keep the cookies in an air tight container.
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