Saturday, 20 September 2014

爆蒜芝士蒸虾 Cheesy Prawn with Garlic (Steamed)

材料  Ingredients:
虾    Prawn
芝士片     Cheese Slice
蒜米     Garlic

做法 Method:
1. 将虾去壳去去肠留尾,排在蒸盘上备用。
 Peel and devein prawn without removing the tails, place in a steaming plate.

2. 蒜米剁碎,备用。
Chop garlic.

3. 热锅,放入少许油,将蒜米爆香至稍微金黄色,加入少许酱青炒匀。(这次酱青刚好完了,所以只好以酱油代替,出来的成品黑黑的)
 Heat wok, put in a little cooking oil and saute the garlic till slightly golden brown, add in a bit of light soy sauce and stir evenly.

4. 将蒜米铺在虾上面,在铺上切成条状的芝士片。
Spread the garlic onto the  prawn, then lay the cheese slices on the top of prawn.

5. 水滚后,以中火蒸7-8分钟即可。
Steam over medium heat for 7-8minutes .