Monday 21 April 2014

烤番薯 Baked Sweet Potato

材料 Ingredients:
番薯     Sweet Potato

做法 Method: 
1.  将番薯洗净,沥干,排在双面锅上。
Scrub the outer skin of the sweet potato,  drain and arrange on Happy Call Pan.

2. 洒上少许水,盖紧锅盖,以小火烤,每5分钟左右翻面一次。
Sprinkle some water, lock the cover and cook over low heat. Flip every 5 minutes. 

3. 烤约20分钟,或至能用叉子插进去。
Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the sweet potato feel soft inside when poke with a fork.

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