Thursday 13 April 2017

纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake


 材料 (7寸圆形活动模)Ingredients (7"Round Springform Cake Mould):
100g   Oreo饼干 Oreo Biscuits
40g    牛油 Butter
500g   奶油芝士 Cream Cheese
140g   幼糖 Castor Sugar
3pcs   鸡蛋 Eggs
150g   酸奶油 Sour Cream
1 1/2 tbsp   柠檬汁 Lemon Juice

做法 Method:
1. 7寸圆形脱底模底部铺上一张烘焙纸,用2层锡箔纸把蛋糕模的底部和边缘包起来,以防进水。
Line the base of a 7” springform cake mould with baking paper.Wrap outside of mould in a double layer of foil, covering the underside and extending all the way to the top to prevent water leaking in.

2. 将Oreo饼干用搅拌机搅成粉状。
Blend oreo biscuits into powder.

2. 牛油隔水溶化,加入饼干粉混合均匀,平铺在脱底模底部,用汤匙压平压紧。
Melt butter using double boil method, add in biscuits powder , mix well. Press the crumbs evenly into the bottom of the mould using a spoon.

3. 把饼底以150度烤5分钟后取出备用。
Bake the crust at 150 Celcius for 5 minutes, take out from oven and set aside.

4. 将室温软化的奶油芝士和幼糖搅拌至幼滑。
Beat softened cream cheese and castor until smooth.
 5. 把鸡蛋逐个加入芝士糊中,确保搅拌均匀后才加入下一个。
 Add in the eggs, one at a time and make sure that the egg is well-incorporated before adding the next.

 6. 加入酸奶油和柠檬汁,拌匀。
Stir in sour cream and lemon juice, mix well.

 7. 用刷子点上少许油,轻刷烤模围边 
Without touching the crust, brush the sides of the inside of the mould with butter.

8. 把芝士糊倒入中,在桌上顿几下以去除多余的空气。
 Pour the cheese filling onto the crust and tap the mould for several times.

 9. 送入已预热150度的烤箱,以水浴法烤70分钟或至熟。
Transfer to a preheat oven, bake with 150 Celcius for 70 minutes or until cooked in water bath.
 10. 蛋糕烤好后,把烤盘里的水倒掉,让蛋糕在烤箱里自然冷却。
When the cake is done, pour off the water. Leave the cake cool in the oven.

 11. 待蛋糕冷却后,盖上锡纸放进冰箱冷藏至少4个小时或隔夜即可。
Cover loosely with foil and refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight before serving.

Cheryl's Tips 小小贴士
1. 如果买不到酸奶油,可以选择自制。 
1 1/2汤匙的柠檬汁,倒入150g的动物性鲜奶油内,用勺子迅速朝一个方向搅拌。让其静置30分钟,成优格状即可。 
If you cannot get sour cream in the market, you can make your own.
Stir 1 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice into 150g of whipping cream, whisk in one direction until well combined. Leave it for 30 minutes till it forms curd.

2. 如果不喜欢Oreo 饼干可以用消化饼干代替。
Replace Oreo biscuits with digestive biscuits if you don't like Oreo.


  1. If I want to make chocolate cheesecake using this recipe? how many grams of chocolate powder? and at what steps I need to add? Tq.

    1. Omit lemon juice and add in 100g of semi-sweet chocolate (melted and slightly cooled), may reduce sugar according to personal preferences, thanks.

  2. I think b4 u add egg should be ok if u add in the cocoa powder.
