Friday, 28 July 2017

巧克力乳酪蛋糕 Chocolate Cheesecake

材料(7寸圆模) Ingredients (7" Round Mold):
巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
250g   奶油芝士   Cream Cheese
45g   黄糖   Brown Sugar
1pc   鸡蛋   Egg
150ml   鲜奶油   Whipping Cream
125g   烹饪巧克力   Cooking Chocolate
3tbsp   可可粉   Cocoa Powder

芝士层 Cheese Layer
250g   奶油芝士   Cream Cheese
60g   幼糖   Castor Sugar
2pcs   鸡蛋   Eggs
1tbsp   柠檬汁   Lemon Juice
80g   酸奶油   Sour Cream

做法 Method:
巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
1. 可可粉过筛,备用。
Sieve cocoa powder, set aside.

2. 烹饪巧克力隔水融化,备用。
Melt cooking chocolate using double boil method, set aside.

3. 将奶油芝士和黄糖搅拌至顺滑。
Beat cream cheese and brown sugar until smooth.

4. 倒入融化巧克力,搅拌均匀。
Add in melted cooking chocolate, mix well.

5. 鸡蛋打散,分两次加入面糊中,第一次的蛋液必须搅拌均匀之后才加入另一半的蛋液。
 Slightly beat the egg with a fork, divide into two portions, mix well after add in one portion of egg mixture, continues with rest of egg mixture.

6. 将鲜奶油和可可粉交替加入面糊中,拌匀。
 Add in whipping cream and cocoa powder alternately , mix well.

7.  将面糊倒入已抹油的圆模中,以水浴法160度烤40分钟或至蛋糕表面凝固。
 Pour the batter into a greased cake mold, bake using water bath method at 160 Celcius for 40 minutes or until the surface is firm.

芝士层 Cheese Layer 
8. 将奶油芝士和幼糖搅拌至软滑。
Beat cream cheese and castor sugar until smooth.

9. 逐粒加入鸡蛋,拌匀。
Add in eggs (one a time), mix well. 

10. 加入柠檬汁和酸奶油,拌匀。
Add in lemon juice and sour cream, beat until incorporated. 

11. 将芝士面糊倒在巧克力蛋糕上,以水浴法150度烤40分钟或至熟。
Pour the butter on the chocolate cake, bake using water bath method at 150 Celcius for 40 minutes or until done.