Tuesday, 20 March 2012
金枪鱼餐包 Tuna Bun
材料 Ingredients:
300g 高筋面粉 Bread Flour
3tbsp 糖 Sugar
120ml 温牛奶 Warm Milk
50g 蛋液 Egg
1tsp 速溶酵母 Instant Yeast
1tsp 盐 Salt
60g 牛油 Butter
185g 美奶滋金枪鱼罐头 Tuna with Mayonnaise
做法 Method:
1. 将高筋面粉过筛, 备用。
Sift bread flour, place aside.
2. 在一个大盆里依序放入盐,高筋面粉,糖和酵母。
Place salt, bread flour, sugar and instant yeast in a large bowl.
3. 倒入蛋液和温牛奶,用手揉成面团。
Pour in egg and warm milk, knead into a dough.
4. 将牛油包在面团中间,揉至表面光滑能拉出薄膜。
Wrap in butter, continue kneading until dough is smooth and can stretch into a thin translucent membrane (Windowpane test).
5. 把揉好的放入一个大盆,再面团表面喷些水, 盖上保鲜膜或湿布,让面团进行第一次发酵至原来的2倍大。
Put dough in a large bowl, spray some water on the dough surface, cover it with
6. 把面团按瘪,分成12份。
Punch down the dough, divide into 12 portions.
7. 把小面团滚圆,醒发15分钟。
Roll the dough into ball shape, rest for 15 minutes.
8. 把小面团搓成约30cm的长条装,打个结,两端顺势缠好。
Roll the dough into long tube, braid into flower shape.
9. 让面团进行第二次发酵至2倍大。
Let dough rise till double in size.
10. 在面团表面涂上蛋液,在中间铺上金枪鱼。
Brush egg wash on top of the dough, spoon tuna with mayonnaise onto the middle of dough.
11. 放入预热烤箱,以180度烘烤10分钟。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 180 Celsius for 10 minutes.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
糯米双色蒸糕 Kuih Salat
材料 Ingredients:
白色糯米层 Glutinous Rice Layer
250g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
200ml 稀椰浆 Coconut Milk
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
绿色椰浆糕层 Green Custard Layer
40g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
50g 糖 Sugar
150ml 浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
100ml 清水 Plain Water
5pcs 斑兰叶 Pandan Leaves (Screw pine Leaves)
做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.
2. 将糯米沥干干,备用。
Drain glutinous rice, place aside.
3. 将盐加入稀椰浆中,搅拌直融化。
Add salt to coconut milk, stir until all the salt dissolve.
4. 把糯米放入抹了油的模,倒入加了盐的稀椰浆和食油,拌匀后铺平。
Put glutinous rice into a greased mold, pour in coconut milk and cooking oil, mix well and flatten it.
5. 热水上锅,以大火蒸20分钟。
Steam over boiling water with high heat for 20 minutes.
6. 把糯米稍微按平,备用。
Slightly press to flatten the glutinous rice, place aside.
7. 将普通面粉和玉米粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift plain flour and corn flour, mix well.
8. 将清水和班兰叶放入搅拌机搅成斑兰汁,过沥去渣,备用。
Blend pandan leaves with plain water, strain, place aside.
9. 将盐加入浓椰浆中,搅拌直融化,备用。
Add salt to coconut cream, stir until all the salt dissolve, place aside.
10. 把鸡蛋和糖稍微打发,倒入加了盐的浓椰浆和斑兰汁,拌匀。
Beat egg and sugar until fluffy, pour in coconut cream and pandan juice, stir well.
12. 拌入普通面粉和玉米粉,混合均匀。
Fold in plain flour and corn flour, mix well.
13. 将面糊过筛,倒入以蒸过的糯米层上。
Strain the mixture, pour on the cooked glutinous rice.
14. 热水上锅,以小火蒸45分钟即可。
Steam over boiling water with low heat for 45 minutes.
材料 Ingredients:
白色糯米层 Glutinous Rice Layer
250g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
200ml 稀椰浆 Coconut Milk
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
绿色椰浆糕层 Green Custard Layer
40g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
50g 糖 Sugar
150ml 浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
100ml 清水 Plain Water
5pcs 斑兰叶 Pandan Leaves (Screw pine Leaves)
做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.
2. 将糯米沥干干,备用。
Drain glutinous rice, place aside.
3. 将盐加入稀椰浆中,搅拌直融化。
Add salt to coconut milk, stir until all the salt dissolve.
4. 把糯米放入抹了油的模,倒入加了盐的稀椰浆和食油,拌匀后铺平。
Put glutinous rice into a greased mold, pour in coconut milk and cooking oil, mix well and flatten it.
5. 热水上锅,以大火蒸20分钟。
Steam over boiling water with high heat for 20 minutes.
6. 把糯米稍微按平,备用。
Slightly press to flatten the glutinous rice, place aside.
7. 将普通面粉和玉米粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift plain flour and corn flour, mix well.
8. 将清水和班兰叶放入搅拌机搅成斑兰汁,过沥去渣,备用。
Blend pandan leaves with plain water, strain, place aside.
9. 将盐加入浓椰浆中,搅拌直融化,备用。
Add salt to coconut cream, stir until all the salt dissolve, place aside.
10. 把鸡蛋和糖稍微打发,倒入加了盐的浓椰浆和斑兰汁,拌匀。
Beat egg and sugar until fluffy, pour in coconut cream and pandan juice, stir well.
12. 拌入普通面粉和玉米粉,混合均匀。
Fold in plain flour and corn flour, mix well.
13. 将面糊过筛,倒入以蒸过的糯米层上。
Strain the mixture, pour on the cooked glutinous rice.
14. 热水上锅,以小火蒸45分钟即可。
Steam over boiling water with low heat for 45 minutes.
Monday, 12 March 2012
蜂巢蛋糕 (蒸)Honey Comb Cake (Steamed)
材料 Ingredients:
1cup 砂糖 Sugar
1cup 清水 Plain Water
1cup 特幼粉 Super-fine Flour
3nos 鸡蛋 Egg
150g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
45g 牛油 Butter
1tbsp 苏打粉 Bicarbonate of Soda
做法 Method:
1. 将砂糖以小火慢慢煮成褐色成焦糖。
Melt sugar under low heat until golden honey brown.
2. 将清水慢慢倒入煮好的焦糖,搅拌直焦糖完全融化,待凉备用。
Pour in plain water carefully, stir until the sugar dissolve, let it cool.
3. 将牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt butter by double boiling, place aside.
4. 特幼粉和苏打粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift super-fine flour and bicarbonate of soda, mix well.
5. 将鸡蛋打散,慢慢加入炼乳,拌匀。
Beat the egg, add in sweetened condensed milk gradually, stir well.
6. 拌入粉类,搅拌均匀。
Fold in flours, mix well.
7. 加入焦糖浆和融化的牛油,拌匀。
Pour in sugar syrup and butter, stir well.
8. 将面糊过筛,倒入预先涂油的烤盘,静置3个小时。
Strain batter, pour in a greased pan, let stand at room temperature for 3 hour.
9. 以中火蒸45分钟或至熟。
Steamed over middle heat for 45minutes or until cooked.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
笠麻板 Kuih Penyaram
材料 Ingredients:
200g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
40g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
260ml 清水(80ml热水 + 180ml清水)Plain Water (80ml hot water + 180ml plain water)
3/8tsp 盐 Salt
200g 亚答糖 Gula Apong
做法 Method:
1. 将热水加入亚答糖,搅拌直糖完全融化。倒入清水,备用。
Mix gula apong and hot water, stir until all the sugar dissolved. Pour in plain water, place aside.
2. 普通面粉和粘米粉过筛,加入盐,混合均匀。
Sifted plain flour and rice flour, add in salt, mix well.
3. 加入做法1的糖水,拌匀。
Add in the syrup in method 1, stir well.
4. 面糊过筛,静置至少30分钟。
Strain the batter, left aside for at least 30 minutes.
5. 将小火将油烧热,在锅中间倒入一小勺面糊,。待面糊成型后翻面,炸直金黄色即可。
Heat the oil with low heat, pour in a scoop of batter in the middle of wok. Wait until the batter is cook, turn over and fried till golden brown.
材料 Ingredients:
200g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
40g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
260ml 清水(80ml热水 + 180ml清水)Plain Water (80ml hot water + 180ml plain water)
3/8tsp 盐 Salt
200g 亚答糖 Gula Apong
做法 Method:
1. 将热水加入亚答糖,搅拌直糖完全融化。倒入清水,备用。
Mix gula apong and hot water, stir until all the sugar dissolved. Pour in plain water, place aside.
2. 普通面粉和粘米粉过筛,加入盐,混合均匀。
Sifted plain flour and rice flour, add in salt, mix well.
3. 加入做法1的糖水,拌匀。
Add in the syrup in method 1, stir well.
4. 面糊过筛,静置至少30分钟。
Strain the batter, left aside for at least 30 minutes.
5. 将小火将油烧热,在锅中间倒入一小勺面糊,。待面糊成型后翻面,炸直金黄色即可。
Heat the oil with low heat, pour in a scoop of batter in the middle of wok. Wait until the batter is cook, turn over and fried till golden brown.
Friday, 2 March 2012
自制花生碎 Homemade Ground Peanuts
材料 Ingredients:
1kg 花生 Peanuts
做法 Method:
1. 把花生放在一个大盘,将劣质的花生选出丢掉。
Place peanuts in a large plate, pick out the bad peanuts .
2. 热锅, 放入花生,用小火不停的翻炒花生。
Heat the wok, put in the peanuts, stir fry using low heat.
3. 炒直花生转褐红色并开始脱落时即可熄火。
Fry the peanuts till they are brown.
4. 待凉,把花生膜去除。
Let the peanuts cool, remove the peanuts skin.
5. 将花生磨碎。
Blend the peanuts.
1kg 花生 Peanuts
做法 Method:
1. 把花生放在一个大盘,将劣质的花生选出丢掉。
Place peanuts in a large plate, pick out the bad peanuts .
2. 热锅, 放入花生,用小火不停的翻炒花生。
Heat the wok, put in the peanuts, stir fry using low heat.
3. 炒直花生转褐红色并开始脱落时即可熄火。
Fry the peanuts till they are brown.
4. 待凉,把花生膜去除。
Let the peanuts cool, remove the peanuts skin.
5. 将花生磨碎。
Blend the peanuts.
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