Friday 22 November 2013

婴儿食谱: 南瓜蛋黄泥 Baby Food: Egg York and Pumpkin Puree

材料 (适合6个月以上的宝宝食用) Ingredients (Suitable for baby 6months and above):
鸡蛋          Egg  
南瓜          Pumpkin
温开水      Warm Water

做法 Method:
1. 将鸡蛋放入锅内,加入盖过鸡蛋的水量。
Put the egg in a pot, fill the pot with enough cold tap water to cover the egg completely.

2. 加入少许盐,把盖子盖上,以大火煮开。
Add a pinch of salt to the water and put on the lid.

3.  水开后,转小火,继续煮5分钟。
As soon as the water start to boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes.

4.  熄火,让蛋在锅里焖10分钟。
Turn off the heat, leaves the egg in the hot water for 10 minutes.

5. 将鸡蛋放在水喉下冲洗或放入冰水降温。
Chill the egg by placing it under cold running water or in a bowl of ice water. Let it sit for a few minutes until the egg are cool.

6.  将鸡蛋剥壳,把蛋白和蛋黄分开。
Peel the egg and separate the egg yolk and egg white.

7. 用汤匙将蛋黄碾成泥,备用。
Mash egg yolk with a spoon, set aside.

8.Peel and de-seed pumpkin, cut into chunks. Steam until soft and cooked.

9. Mash pumpkin with a spoon.

10. Combine egg yolk puree and pumpkin puree, add suitable amount of warm water for thinner consistency.

  •  南瓜富含钙(calcium)、磷(phophorus)、铁(iron)、碳水化合物(carbohydrate) 和多种维生素,其中胡萝卜素(carotane)含量丰富。
  • 蛋黄含有有大量的胆碱(choline)、卵磷脂(DHA)和丰富的维生素以及多种微量元素(例如钾(potassium)、钠 (sodium)、镁(magnasium)、磷(phosphorus)、铁(iron)),特别是蛋黄中的铁质达7毫克/100克。蛋黄中还有宝贵的 维生素A、维生素D、维生素E和维生素K。就算是水溶性的维生素B族,绝大多数也存在于蛋黄当中。蛋黄里面还含有意想不到的健康成分—那就是叶黄素 (lutein)和玉米黄素(zeaxanthin)。


  1. Any others vege can mix with egg yolk?

  2. Can mix with broccoli, carrot, pea, potato, spinach and etc ^^
