Saturday 17 November 2012

双层西米糕 v2 (蒸)Steamed Double Layer Tapioca Pearl Kueh v2 (Kuih Sago Lapis)


材料(8寸圆模) Ingredients (8" Round Mold):
 香兰层 Pandan Layer
A)200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
B) 200g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
     160g 糖 Sugar
     4tbsp 香兰汁 Pandan Juice
     1tsp 盐 Salt

椰糖层 Palm Sugar Layer
C) 200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
D) 200g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
     160g 椰糖(切碎) Palm Sugar, finely grated (Gula Melaka)
     1tsp 盐 Salt

做法 Method:
1.  将材料 A 和 C 中用冷水浸泡1个小时,冲洗几次将淀粉洗净后沥干备用。
Soak ingredients A and C in cold water for an hour, wash a few times to get rid of the starch and drain well.

2. 将材料 B 和 D 分别搅拌均匀,备用。
 Mix well ingredients B and D separately , set aside.

3. 将沥干的材料 A 加入混合均匀的材料 B,倒入抹了油的模,以中火蒸15分钟。
 Add ingredients B into A, pour the tapioca pearl mixture into a lightly greased mold, steam over medium heat for 15 minutes.

4. 将沥干的材料 C 加入混合均匀的材料 D, 慢慢倒入已蒸过的香兰层西米上,以中火蒸30分钟或至西米呈透明装。
Add ingredients C into D, pour the tapioca pearl mixture slowly onto the pandan tapioca pearl layer, steam over medium heat for 30 minutes or until the tapioca pearl turn transparent in appearance.

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