Tuesday 9 April 2013

糯米鸡 Loh Mai Kai

材料 Ingredients:
300g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
1nos 鸡腿 Chicken Drumstick
5pcs 香菇 Dried Mushroom
2pcs 腊肠Chinese Sausage

鸡肉腌料 Chicken Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1tbsp 麻油 Sesame Oil
少许糖 A pinch of sugar

糯米腌料 Glutinous Rice Marinade:
1tbsp 蚝油 Oyster Sauce
1tbsp 酱油 Soy Sauce
2tbsp 糖 Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.

2. 将糯米沥干干,加入腌料拌匀后腌30分钟。
Drain glutinous rice, add in marinade and mix well. Marinate for 30 minutes.

3. 鸡腿去骨切小块,加入腌料腌30分钟。
Debone chicken drumstick and cut into small pieces. Add in marinade and mix well, marinate for 30 minutes.

4. 碗内依序放入鸡肉、香菇、香肠和糯米,压紧。
Put marinated chicken, dried mushroom, chinese sausage and marinated glutinous rice into a bowl. Press until firm.

5. 以中火蒸半个小时,然后在表面上洒些水,继续蒸至熟。
Steam over medium heat for half and hour, then sprinkle some water on the top of glutinous rice. Continue to steam until cooked. 

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