Friday 31 January 2014

咖啡&咖椰千层蛋糕 (蒸) Coffee & Kaya Layer Cake (Steamed)


材料 Ingredients:
250g            牛油            Butter
60g              糖                Sugar
6nos            鸡蛋             Eggs
250g            咖啡            Kaya
100g            炼乳            Sweetened Condensed Milk
125g            普通面粉    Plain Flour
2 1/2tbsp     3合1咖啡粉 (加入1tbsp热水) 3in1 Nescafe (mix with 1tbsp hot water)

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油和糖打发。
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy.

2.  加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
 Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

3.  慢慢加入炼乳和咖椰,拌匀。
Add in sweetened condensed milk and kaya gradually, stir well.

4. 拌入已过筛的面粉,混合均匀。
 Fold in sifted flour and mixed well.

5. 把面糊分成两份。一份保持原味,一份加入咖啡。
 Divide batter into two equal portions. One plain and the other one add in dilute nescafe.

7. 烧开水,将已涂油的蛋糕模蒸热,倒入少许咖啡面糊,以小火蒸约5分钟直到表层干不粘手。
Grease steaming tray, pour a small portion of  nescafe batter into the steaming tray and steam for 5 minutes or till cooked.

8. 倒入少许原味面糊,再蒸5分钟左右,用同样的方式把面糊轮流蒸至完为止。最后一层需蒸15分钟。
Pour a small portion of plain batter, and steam for 5 minutes. Repeat till all the batter finish. Steamed 15 minutes for final layer. 


  1. 你好。请教下普通面粉是什么面粉?

  2. 普通面粉就是中筋面粉,all purpose flour,谢谢
