Saturday 13 October 2012

德式酥饼 German Cookies


材料 Ingredients:
250g 牛油 Butter
80g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
250g 马铃薯粉 Potato Starch
100g 香港面粉 Hong Kong Flour

 做法 Method:
1. 将牛油和已过筛的糖粉搅拌均匀。
Cream butter and shifted icing sugar.

2. 拌入已过筛的马铃薯粉和香港面粉,拌匀成面团。
Fold in potato starch and hong kong flour, mix to form a soft dough.
3. 把面团搓成小圆球,排在烤盘上,再用叉子稍微压扁。
Roll into a small ball, arrange on baking pan and press lightly with a fork.
4. 放入预热烤箱,以 150度烤15分钟。
Bake in preheat oven at 150 Celsius for 15 minutes.

小小贴士 Cheryl's Tip
1. 香港面粉可以用普通面粉或特幼粉代替。
Hong Kong flour can be replace by plain flour or superfine flour.

2. 面团如果黏手可以放入冰箱冷藏15-20分钟在整形。
If the dough is sticky, put it in refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
3. 搓好的面团即克压扁可以避免面团周边出现裂痕。
Press with fork after roll the dough cookies into small ball to prevent it from crack.
4. 每次用叉子把面团压扁后将叉子过水可以避免面团黏在叉子上。
 Dip the fork in water after each press to prevent the cookies dough stick on the fork.

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