Saturday, 15 December 2012

蜂蜜百香果汁 Passion Fruit Juice

材料 Ingredients:
百香果 Passion Fruit
开水 Drinking Water
冷开水 Cold Drinking Water
蜂蜜 Honey

做法 Method:
1. 将百香果用清水洗净,用刀子剖半。
 Rinse passion fruit until clean, then cut into half.

2. 将果肉挖出放入杯子,加入少许开水搅拌。
Scoop out the flesh into a cup, add in some drinking water and stir.

3. 将果汁过滤到另外一个杯子,然后用汤匙不停的按压余留在筛子上的果肉至百香果汁完全取出。
Pour the mixture into a cup, press the flesh that left on the sieve with a spoon to get every drop.

4. 加入适量蜂蜜,搅拌至溶化。
Add in some honey, stir well.

5. 加入冷开水后即可饮用。
Add in cold drinking water and serve.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

芒果优格芝士蛋糕(免烤) Mango Yogurt Cheesecake (Unbaked)


材料 Ingredient:
250g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
280g 芒果优格 Mango Yogurt
150g 糖 Sugar
2tbsp 鱼胶粉 Gelatine
120ml 清水 Plain Water

做法 Method:
1. 将鱼胶粉加入清水,搅拌均匀。放置5分钟后隔水加热至融化,待凉备用。
Mix gelatine and plain water, stir well. Stand for 5 minutes, then double boil till gelatine melt, place aside to cool down.

2. 将忌廉芝士搅拌至顺滑,加入糖和芒果优格,拌匀。
Beat cream cheese until smooth, add in sugar and mango yogurt, mix well.

3. 倒入鱼胶液,搅拌均匀。
Pour in gelatine mixture, mix well.

4. 将芝士糊倒入蛋糕模, 放入冰箱冷藏至凝固即可食用。
Pour the cream cheese mixture into cake mold, chilled it in refrigerator till firm.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

哈密瓜西米露 Honeydew Sago


材料 Ingredients:
60g 西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
50ml 冷水 Cold Water

5tbsp 糖 Sugar
50ml 清水 Plain Water
4pcs 香兰叶(打结) Pandan Leaves (Knotted)

1nos 哈密瓜(中型) Honeydew (Medium Size)
200ml 清水 Plain Water

200ml 椰浆 Coconut Milk

做法 Method:
 材料 A Ingredient A
1. 将西米用冷水浸泡15分钟,冲洗几次将淀粉洗净后沥干。
Soak tapioca pearl in cold water for 15 minutes, wash a few times to get rid of the starch and drain well.

2. 把一锅水煮滚,倒入西米,不停的搅拌,煮至西米呈半透明状。熄火,盖上锅盖让西米焖至完全熟透。
Boil a pot of water,  add in tapioca pearl, boil until it turns almost transparent, stir frequently. Turn off the heat and cover the pot until all tapioca pearl are cooked.

3. 将熟透的西米倒入筛子,冲洗几次后沥干倒入冷水里备用。
Drain sago on a sieve under running tap water, drain well and place it in cold water, set aside.

材料 B Ingredient B
4. 将香兰叶和糖放入清水中,煮至全部糖融化,取出香兰叶,待凉备用。
Place pandan leaves and sugar into plain water, cooked until all sugar dissolved. Remove pandan leaves, set aside to let it cool.

材料 C Ingredient C
5. 将哈密瓜分成两半,一半切块,和清水一起放入果汁机搅打成哈密瓜汁。
Cut honeydew into half, cut half of the honeydew into big chunks. Place honeydew chunks and plain water into blender and blend into honeydew juice.

6. 将另外一半哈密瓜,切丁备用。
Dice another half of honeydew into small cube, place aside.

7. 将全部材料(A,B,C & D) 混合均匀,加入冰块趁冷食用。
Mix all the ingredients (A,B,C & D) together, add in some ice cube, serve chilled.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

金桶牛油蛋糕 Golden Churn Butter Cake


材料 (10" x 4" 长方模)Ingredients (10" x 4" Loaf Pan):
300g 金桶牛油 Golden Churn Butter
2tbsp 玉米油 Corn Oil
200g 糖 Sugar
1/2 tsp 盐 Salt
6nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
140g 低筋面粉 Cake Flour (Low Protein Flour)
40g 玉米粉 Corn Starch
1tsp 发粉 Baking Powder
10tbsp 鲜奶 Fresh Milk

做法 Method:
1. 将低筋面粉、发粉和玉米粉过筛两次,备用。
Sift cake flour, baking powder and corn starch twice, set aside.

2. 将牛油、玉米油、糖和盐打发。
Cream butter, corn oil, sugar and salt until fluffy.

3. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well after each addition. 

4. 拌入已过筛的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix till well blended.

5. 倒入鲜奶,搅拌均匀。
Stir in fresh milk, mix well.

6. 将面糊倒入烤模,放入预热烤箱,以150度烤1个小时或至熟。
Pour the batter into a greased loaf pan, put into pre-heat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

香草马芬 Vanilla Muffin

材料(9粒马芬) Ingredienst (Yields 9pcs of muffin):
45g 牛油 Butter
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
3/4cup 糖 Sugar
3/4cup 鲜奶 Fresh Milk
1 1/2cup 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1 1/2tbsp 发粉 Baking Powder
3/8tsp 盐 Salt
1/4tbsp 香草精 Vanilla Essence

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油隔水融化,待凉备用。
Melt butter by double boiling, cool to room temperature, place aside.

2. 将鸡蛋打散,加入糖,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat the egg, then add in sugar, mix well.

3. 倒入鲜奶,搅拌至全部糖融化。
Pour in fresh milk, stir till all sugar dissolve.

4. 加入盐,搅拌至融化。
Add in salt, stir till dissolve.

5. 筛入普通面粉和发粉,搅拌至无颗粒。
Sift in plain flour and baking powder,  mix well.

6. 倒入香草精和牛油溶液,拌匀。
 Pour in vanilla essence and melted butter, mix well.

7. 将面糊倒入马芬杯子,约8分满。
Fill muffin cup with the batter for about 3/4 full.

8. 放入预热烤箱,以180度烤20分钟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 180 Celsius for 20 minutes.

双层西米糕 v2 (蒸)Steamed Double Layer Tapioca Pearl Kueh v2 (Kuih Sago Lapis)


材料(8寸圆模) Ingredients (8" Round Mold):
 香兰层 Pandan Layer
A)200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
B) 200g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
     160g 糖 Sugar
     4tbsp 香兰汁 Pandan Juice
     1tsp 盐 Salt

椰糖层 Palm Sugar Layer
C) 200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
D) 200g 椰丝 Grated Coconut
     160g 椰糖(切碎) Palm Sugar, finely grated (Gula Melaka)
     1tsp 盐 Salt

做法 Method:
1.  将材料 A 和 C 中用冷水浸泡1个小时,冲洗几次将淀粉洗净后沥干备用。
Soak ingredients A and C in cold water for an hour, wash a few times to get rid of the starch and drain well.

2. 将材料 B 和 D 分别搅拌均匀,备用。
 Mix well ingredients B and D separately , set aside.

3. 将沥干的材料 A 加入混合均匀的材料 B,倒入抹了油的模,以中火蒸15分钟。
 Add ingredients B into A, pour the tapioca pearl mixture into a lightly greased mold, steam over medium heat for 15 minutes.

4. 将沥干的材料 C 加入混合均匀的材料 D, 慢慢倒入已蒸过的香兰层西米上,以中火蒸30分钟或至西米呈透明装。
Add ingredients C into D, pour the tapioca pearl mixture slowly onto the pandan tapioca pearl layer, steam over medium heat for 30 minutes or until the tapioca pearl turn transparent in appearance.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

巧克力芝士蛋糕 (免烤) Chocolate Cheesecake (Unbaked)


材料 Ingredients:
蛋糕底 Crust:
100g Oreo饼干  Oreo Biscuit
45g 无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter

蛋糕体 Filling:
250g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
40g 糖 Sugar
125ml 巧克力鲜奶 Chocolate Flavored Milk
100g 黑烹饪巧克力 Dark Cooking Chocolate
200g 植物性鲜奶油 Non-Dairy Cream
2tbsp 鱼胶粉 Gelatine
4tbsp 温水 Warm Water

做法 Method: 
1. 将Oreo饼干夹心取出,压成粉状,备用。
Remove the Oreo biscuit filling, crush it, place aside.

2. 将无盐牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt unsalted butter by double boiling, place aside.

3. 把Oreo饼干碎末倒入已融化的无盐牛油, 用手抓匀。
 Add crushed oreo biscuit into melted butter, mix well.

4. 把抓匀的饼干碎末倒进8寸的蛋糕模,均匀的铺在蛋糕模底部,用汤匙压平压紧。
 Place it in a 8'' cake mold, flatten it using a spoon.

5.  把蛋糕模放入冰箱冷冻半个小时,再移到冷藏格去冷藏半个小时。
Put cake mold into refrigerator and freeze for half hour, then refrigerate for half hour.

6. 将温水和鱼胶粉混合均匀,隔水融化,备用。
Mix warm water and gelatine, double boil till gelatine melt, place aside.

7. 将黑烹饪巧克力隔水融化,备用。
Melt dark cooking chocolate by double boiling, place aside.

8. 将植物性鲜奶油打至湿性发泡,放入冰箱备用。
Beat non-dairy cream until soft peak, place it in refrigerator.

9. 将忌廉芝士和糖打至顺滑,加入巧克力鲜奶和巧克力酱,拌匀。
Beat cream cheese and sugar till smooth, add in chocolate flavored milk and melted chocolate, stir evenly.

10. 将鱼胶溶液倒入,搅拌均匀。
Pour in melted gelatine, mix well.

11. 拌入打发的植物性鲜奶油,拌匀。
Fold in non-dairy cream, mix well.

12. 将芝士糊倒入步骤5的蛋糕模,然后放入冰箱冷藏至凝固。
Pour the cream cheese mixture onto the crust in step 5, chilled it in refrigerator till firm.

Monday, 5 November 2012

椰糖燕菜 Agar-agar Gula Melaka (Palm Sugar Jelly)

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材料 (12寸圆模)Ingredients (12" Round Mold):
200ml 清水 Plain Water
500g 椰糖 Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka)

2pkt (20g)  燕菜精 Agar-agar Powder
1500ml 清水 Plain Water
8pcs 香兰叶 Pandan Leaves
400ml 浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
1tsp 盐 Salt

做法 Method:
1. 将香兰叶洗净打结,备用。 
Wash pandan leaves and tie into a knot, set aside.

2. 将浓椰浆和盐混合,搅拌至全部盐融化,备用。
Mix salt and coconut cream, stir till all the salt dissolve, set aside.
3. 将材料A煮至椰糖完全融化,过筛后备用。
Boil ingredients A until all the palm sugar melt, strain and set aside.

4. 将燕菜精倒入清水中混合,放入香兰叶,以中火煮至燕菜精完全融化。过程中需不时搅拌。
Mix agar-agar powder and plain water, put in knotted pandan leaves, boil over medium heat until all the agar-agar powder dissolve. Stir frequently through boiling.

5. 将作法3的椰糖水倒入,煮沸。 
Pour in palm sugar syrup, bring to boil.
6. 倒入做法2的椰浆,煮沸后立刻熄火。
Pour in coconut cream in method 2, bring to boil and turn off  the heat immediately.
7. 将香兰叶取出, 倒入模型待凉,凝固后即可放入冰箱。
Remove pandan leaves,  pour the jelly into mold and leave undisturbed until set. When cool, chill it in the refrigerator.



Sunday, 28 October 2012

湿润巧克力蛋糕 (蒸)Moist Chocolate Cake (Steamed)


材料(9"方模) Ingredients (9" Square Mold):
360g 牛油 Butter
360g 糖 Sugar
400ml 全脂淡奶 Full Cream Evaporated Milk
4nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
200g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
100g 可可粉 Cocoa Powder
1tsp 苏打粉 Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda)

做法 Method:
1. 将自发面粉、可可粉和苏打粉过筛,备用。
Sift self raising flour, cocoa powder and baking soda, set aside.

2. 将全脂淡奶、糖和牛油隔水加热直全部牛油和糖融化。
Double boil full cream evaporated milk, sugar and butter until all sugar and butter dissolved.

3. 将鸡蛋用叉子打散,慢慢加入稍微冷却的淡奶糊,搅拌均匀。
Slightly beat eggs with fork, add it slowly into slightly cold evaporated milk mixture, stir till well mix.

4. 拌入已过筛的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flours, mix well.

5. 将面糊倒入已抹油的模,盖上锡纸。
Pour the batter into a greased mold, cover the mold loosely using a piece of aluminium foil.

6. 以中火蒸约45分钟或至熟。
Steam over medium heat for about 45 minutes or until cooked.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

千层芝士蛋糕 (免烤) Layered Cheese Cake (Unbaked)




材料 Ingredients:
250g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
8tbsp 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
2tsp 柠檬汁 Lemon Juice

2pkt 康元芝士饼 Khong Guan Salt Cheese Cracker
200ml 温鲜奶 Warm Fresh Milk

做法 Method:
1. 将忌廉芝士和炼乳打发。
Beat cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk until fluffy.

2. 加入柠檬汁拌匀,备用。
Add in lemon juice, mix well, set aside.

3. 将芝士饼浸泡在温鲜奶中约20秒,然后整齐的排在模里。
Soak cheese crackers in warm fresh milk for about 20second, then arrange them neatly in a mold.

4. 放入少许芝士糊,抹平。
Put on a layer of cream cheese mixture, smooth it.

5. 重复步骤3&4直所有材料用完。
Repeat step 3 & 4 until all the cream cheese mixture and crackers are used up.

6. 将蛋糕稍微压实,放入冰箱冷藏至少4个小时就可食用。
Press the cake slightly, chilled it in refrigerator at least 4 hour before serve.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Kuih Tiram

一包5、6片要价 RM2

材料 Ingredients:
500g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
2tbsp 牛油 Butter
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
160ml 清水 Plain Water

6tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
6tbsp 玉米油 Corn Oil

糖粉 Icing Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 将材料B搅拌均匀成糊状,备用。
Mix ingredients B well, set aside.

2. 将材料A混合,搓揉成光滑的面团。
Mix ingredients A, knead until it became a smooth dough.

3. 把面团分成4份。
Divide the dough into 4 portions.

4. 将其中一份面团杆薄,然后均匀的涂上材料B。
Take a portion of dough, flatten it into a thin dough using a rolling pin and spread ingredients B evenly the top.

5. 将面皮慢慢卷起,然后切成1.5公分左右的小面团。
Roll up the dough carefully, cut it into 1.5cm tiny dough.

6. 将小面团稍微压扁后杆成薄片。
Slightly press the tiny dough and flatten it into thin dough using a rolling pin.

7.  重复步骤4-6直所有面团用完。
Repeat step 4-6 until all the dough had been used.

8. 将薄片炸直金黄色,沥干油,均匀的撒上糖粉。
Fried the thin dough until golden brown, drain excess oil, then sprinkle icing sugar evenly on it.

巧克力牛奶蛋糕 (蒸) Chocolate Milk Cake (Steamed)


材料 Ingredients:
170ml 巧克力牛奶 Chocolate Flavored Milk
1/2tbsp 糖 Sugar
90g 香港面粉 Hong Kong Flour
10g 可可粉 Cocoa Powder
20g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
2tsp 双效发粉 Double Action Baking Powder

做法 Method:
1. 将香港面粉、可可粉、粘米粉和双效发粉混合均匀,过筛后备用。
Mix  hong kong flour, cocoa powder, rice flour and double action baking powder. Sift and set aside.

2. 将糖加入巧克力牛奶,搅拌直全部糖融化。
Add sugar into chocolate flavored milk, stir till all sugar dissolved.

3. 拌入粉类,拌匀。
Fold in sifted flour, mix well.

4. 倒入模型,以中火蒸10分钟或至熟。
Pour into mold, steam with medium heat for 10 minutes or until cooked.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

芝士牛油蛋糕 Cheese Butter Cake


材料 (8寸模) Ingredients (8" Mold):
250g 牛油 Butter
160g 糖 Sugar
5nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
250g 自发面粉 Self Raising Flour
150g 车打芝士 Cheddar Cheese

50g 车打芝士 Cheddar Cheese

做法 Method:
1.  将自发面粉过筛,备用。
Sift self raising flour, set aside.

2. 将材料A 和 B 的车打芝士分别刨丝,备用。
Shred cheddar cheese in ingredient A and B separately, set aside.

3. 将牛油和糖打发。
Cream butter and sugar till fluffy.

4.  加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

5. 拌入自发面粉和材料A的车打芝士,拌匀。
Fold in self raising flour and shredded cheddar cheese in ingredients A, mix well.

6. 倒入烤模, 撒上材料B的车打芝士。
Pour the batter into a greased mold, sprinkle the shredded cheddar cheese in ingredient B on top of the batter.

7. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烤一个小时或至熟。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 1 hour or until cooked.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

德式酥饼 German Cookies


材料 Ingredients:
250g 牛油 Butter
80g 糖粉 Icing Sugar
250g 马铃薯粉 Potato Starch
100g 香港面粉 Hong Kong Flour

 做法 Method:
1. 将牛油和已过筛的糖粉搅拌均匀。
Cream butter and shifted icing sugar.

2. 拌入已过筛的马铃薯粉和香港面粉,拌匀成面团。
Fold in potato starch and hong kong flour, mix to form a soft dough.
3. 把面团搓成小圆球,排在烤盘上,再用叉子稍微压扁。
Roll into a small ball, arrange on baking pan and press lightly with a fork.
4. 放入预热烤箱,以 150度烤15分钟。
Bake in preheat oven at 150 Celsius for 15 minutes.

Friday, 5 October 2012

巧克力&好立克千层蛋糕 (蒸) Choco Horlicks Layer Cake (Steamed)




材料 Ingredients:
220g      牛油   Butter
3/8cup   幼糖   Caster Sugar
5nos      鸡蛋   Eggs
1/2cup  香港面粉 Hong Kong Flour
1/2tin (250g) 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/3cup   好立克 Horlicks
1/4cup  可可粉 Cocoa Powder

做法 Method:
1. 将牛油和幼糖打发。
Cream butter and caster sugar until fluffy.

2.  加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
 Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

3.  慢慢加入炼乳,拌匀。
Add in sweetened condensed milk gradually, stir well.

4. 拌入已过筛的香港面粉,混合均匀。
 Fold in sifted hong kong flour and mixed well.

5. 把面糊分成两份。
Divide batter into two portions.

6. 将一份面糊加入已过筛的可可粉,另外一份加入好立克。
Add sifted cocoa powder into one portion of batter, add horlicks into another portions of batter.

7. 烧开水,将已涂油的蛋糕模蒸热,倒入少许好立克面糊,以小火蒸约5分钟直到表层干不粘手。

8. 倒入少许可可面糊,再蒸5分钟左右,用同样的方式把面糊轮流蒸至完为止。最后一层需蒸15分钟。

双层西米糕(蒸) Steamed Double Layer Tapioca Pearl Kueh (Kuih Sago Lapis)



材料 Ingredients:

香兰层 Pandan Layer
A)200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
B) 100g    糖 Sugar
     100ml  浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
     50ml    香兰汁 Pandan Juice

椰糖层 Palm Sugar Layer
C) 200g    西米 Tapioca Pearl (Sago)
D) 120g    椰糖 Palm Sugar (Gula Melaka)
     100ml  浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
     50ml    清水 Plain Water

E) 150g    椰丝 Finely Grated Coconut
     1/4 tsp 盐 Salt

做法 Method:
1. 将材料 A 和 C 中用冷水浸泡1个小时,冲洗几次将淀粉洗净后沥干备用。
Soak ingredients A and C in cold water for an hour, wash a few times to get rid of the starch and drain well.

2. 将材料 B 和 D 分别搅拌均匀,备用。
 Mix well ingredients B and D separately , set aside.

3. 将材料 E 混合均匀,蒸10分钟,备用。
Mix ingredients E, steam for 10 minutes, set aside.

4. 将沥干的材料 A 加入混合均匀的材料 B,倒入抹了油的模,以中火蒸15分钟。
 Add ingredients B into A, pour the tapioca pearl mixture into a lightly greased mold, steam over medium heat for 15 minutes.

5.将沥干的材料 C 加入混合均匀的材料 D, 慢慢倒入已蒸过的香兰层西米上,以中火蒸30分钟或至西米呈透明装。
Add ingredients C into D, pour the tapioca pearl mixture slowly onto the pandan tapioca pearl layer, steam over medium heat for 30 minutes or until the tapioca pearl turn transparent in appearance.

6. 待冷切块,沾上做法3的材料E, 即可食用。
Set aside to cool down. Cut into bite size and coat with ingredients E. Ready to serve.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

冰糖炖梨 Stewed Pear with Rock Sugar


材料 Ingredients:
梨子 Pear (Any variety)
冰糖 Rock Sugar
清水 Plain Water

做法 Method: 

 Rinse the pear well. Peel its skin, remove the core and cut into small pieces.

2. 在炖盅里放入梨子和冰糖,加入些许清水。
 Place pears and rock sugar in a stew pot, add some plain water.

3. 以小火炖大约40分钟至梨子软。
Cook on low heat for approximately 40 minutes until the pears are soft.

4. 趁温食用。
Serve warm.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

自制爆米花 Home-made Popcorn


材料 Ingredients:
爆米花  Popcorn
1tbsp 白兰他 Planta
2tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil
适量 干玉米粒 Popcorn Seed

焦糖浆 Caramel Sauce
1tbsp 白兰他 Planta
3tbsp 幼糖 Caster Sugar

爆米花 Popcorn
1. 在汤锅内放入白兰他和食油,加热至白兰他融化,搅拌均匀,熄火。
Heat the cooking oil and planta in a sauce pot until planta melt, stir evenly and turn of the heat.

2. 加入干玉米粒,铺满整个锅底,用勺子弄平防止层叠。
 Add in popcorn seed, flatten it to avoid the seed from overlapping each others.

3. 盖上锅盖,开中小火。
Cover the pot, turn on low heat.

4. 几分钟后,干玉米粒开始爆开。
After a few minutes, the popcorn seed begin to explode.

5. 爆炸声停止后赶紧熄火,把爆米花盛起。
When the popping sound are stop, remove the pot from heat and put the popcorn into a wide bowl.

焦糖浆 Caramel Sauce
 6. 将白兰他和幼糖倒入平底炒锅内,加热至白兰他和幼糖融化,糖浆的颜色微黄即可熄火。
Heat planta and caster sugar on medium heat in a sauce pan until the caster sugar are melt and the colour of sugar turn a bit brown. Turn off the heat.

7. 倒入爆米花,快速搅拌,让爆米花均匀的裹上糖浆。
Put in popcorn, stir immediately so the popcorn can coated with caramel evenly.

Monday, 9 April 2012

巧克力芝士蛋糕 Cheesecake with Chocolate Ganache

但是前几天蒸了Holiday Inn Cake

材料 (9寸蛋糕一个)Ingredients (9'' Cheesecake)
蛋糕底 Crust
100g 芝士饼 Cheese Crackers
50g 无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter

蛋糕体 Filling
500g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
4nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
100g 幼糖 Caster Sugar
120ml 动物性鲜奶油 Whipping Cream
1/4tbsp 香草精 Vanilla Essence

巧克力表层 Chocolate Ganache
70g 黑烹饪巧克力 Dark Cooking Chocolate
60ml 动物性鲜奶油 Whipping Cream
10g 无盐牛油 Unsalted Butter

做法 Method:
1. 将芝士饼干压碎,备用。
Crush cheese cracker, place aside.

2. 将无盐牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt unsalted butter by double boiling, place aside.

3. 把芝士饼干碎末倒入已融化的无盐牛油, 用手抓匀。
Add crushed cheese cracker into melted butter, mix well.

4. 把抓匀的芝士饼干碎末倒进9寸的蛋糕模,均匀的铺在蛋糕模底部,用汤匙压平压紧。
Place it in a 9'' cake mold, flatten it using a spoon.

5. 把蛋糕模放入冰箱冷冻1个小时,再移到冷藏格去冷藏1个小时。
Put cake mold into refrigerator and freeze for 1 hour, then refrigerate for 1 hour.

6. 把忌廉芝士提前放到室温下软化。
Take out cream cheese in advance to soften it to room temperature.

7. 将忌廉芝士放进一个大碗。
Put cream cheese in a large bowl.

8. 取一锅,倒入热水,把装着忌廉芝士的大碗放进锅里,隔水加热至忌廉芝士彻底软化。
Get a pot, pour in hot water, soften cream cheese by double boiling.

9. 加入幼糖,打至顺滑状。
Add in caster sugar, beat until the cream cheese mixture are smooth.

10. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one by a time, stir evenly.

11. 把碗从热水里拿出来, 在芝士糊里倒入动物性鲜奶油和香草精,拌匀。
Take the large bowl out, pour whipping cream and vanilla essence into the cream cheese mixture, mix well.

12. 将芝士糊倒入步骤5的蛋糕模。
Pour the cream cheese mixture into the crust in step 5.

13. 放入预热烤箱,用水浴法(把蛋糕模放在烤盘里,在烤盘里注入清水)以160度烘烤约1个小时。
Put into pre-heat oven, bake using water bath method at 160 Celsius for 1 hour.

14. 将烤好的蛋糕取出,连同蛋糕模一起冷却到室温。
Take out the cheese cake and cool down to room temperature.

15. 在等待芝士蛋糕冷却的时候,可以制作巧克力表层。把黑烹饪巧克力和无盐牛油切小块,放入大碗里。
Ganache can be made while waiting for the cheese cake to cool down. Cut the dark cooking chocolate and unsalted butter into small cube, then put the ingredients into a large bowl.

16. 倒入动物性鲜奶油。
Pour in the whipping cream.

17. 隔水加热,不断搅拌至巧克力和牛油融化。
Heat until the dark cooking chocolate and unsalted butter are melt by double boiling.

18. 待巧克力混合液温热,倒在芝士蛋糕上。
Let the ganache cool slightly, then pour it over the top of cheese cake.

19. 静置一会儿,待巧克力混合液变得平整后,将蛋糕模放入冰箱,冷藏4个小时以上。
Place aside for awhile so until the ganache become smooth, then refrigerate the cheese cake for 4 hour or more before serve. 

Monday, 2 April 2012

客家糍粑 Hakka "Chi Ba"


材料 Ingredients:
500g 糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour
660ml 清水 Plain Water

花生粉 Ground Peanut
糖 Sugar

做法 Method:
1. 将9寸模涂上一层薄薄的食油,备用。
Greased 9inch mold with a thin layer of cooking oil, set aside.

2. 将糯米粉放在一个大碗,倒入清水,混合均匀。
Put glutinous rice flour in a large bowl, pour in plain water, mix well.

3. 把糯米糊倒入涂了油的模。
Pour batter into the pre-greased mold.

4. 热水上锅,以大火蒸20分钟。
Steam over boiling water with high heat for 20minutes.

5. 将花生粉和糖混合均匀,备用。
Mix peanut ground and sugar, set aside.

6. 将糯米糕分成小块,均匀的裹上加了糖的花生粉,即可食用。
Divide cooked glutinous rice cake into small portions, coat with peanut ground evenly. Ready to serve.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

客家菜板 Hakka "Choi Ban" (Hakka Vegetable Kuih)



材料 Ingredients:
馅料 Filling:
虾米 Dried Shrimp
8nos 蒜苗 Leek
4pcs 豆腐干 Bean Curd (Tofu)

板皮 Skin:
240g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
4tbsp 糯米粉 Glutinous Rice Flour
480ml 清水 Plain Water

10tbsp 薯粉 Tapioca Starch
2tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil

做法 Method:
1. 虾米用水泡至软,沥干水份,剁碎备用。
Soaked dried shrimp till soft, drained, minced and set aside.

2. 蒜苗洗净,切幼; 豆腐干切成小丁。
Washed leek, shreded it; diced bean curd.

3. 锅内放少许食油,油热后爆香虾米, 放入蒜苗和豆腐干,翻炒至熟,依据个人喜好调味。盛入碗,待凉备用。
In a wok, add in some cooking oil, saute dried shrimp till fragrance, add in leek and bean curd, stir fry till cooked, season according to personal preferences, dish up and set aside.

4. 将粘米粉和糯米粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift rice flour and glutinous rice flour, mix well.

5. 将清水煮沸,立刻加入粘米粉和糯米粉,迅速搅拌直均匀。
Boil plain water, add in rice flour and glutinous flour immediately, stir well quickly.

6. 将做法5放入大盘,加入材料B, 趁热搓成幼滑的面团。
Put dough in method 5 into a big bowl, add in ingredient B, knead into pliable dough while still hot.

7. 将面团分割成小粒, 压成小片,包入陷料,放在抹了油的盘。
Divide the dough into small ball, flatten it, wrapped in filling, place on a tray that has been greased with cooking oil.

8. 热水上锅,蒸10分钟。
Steam over boiling water for 10 minutes.

9. 蒸好后,即刻刷上少许食油。
Brush a thin layer of cooking oil on the Choi Ban once cooked.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

金枪鱼餐包 Tuna Bun

材料 Ingredients:
300g 高筋面粉 Bread Flour
3tbsp 糖 Sugar
120ml 温牛奶 Warm Milk
50g 蛋液 Egg
1tsp 速溶酵母 Instant Yeast
1tsp 盐 Salt
60g 牛油 Butter
185g 美奶滋金枪鱼罐头 Tuna with Mayonnaise

做法 Method:
1. 将高筋面粉过筛, 备用。
Sift bread flour, place aside.

2. 在一个大盆里依序放入盐,高筋面粉,糖和酵母。
Place salt, bread flour, sugar and instant yeast in a large bowl.

3. 倒入蛋液和温牛奶,用手揉成面团。
Pour in egg and warm milk, knead into a dough.

4. 将牛油包在面团中间,揉至表面光滑能拉出薄膜。
Wrap in butter, continue kneading until dough is smooth and can stretch into a thin translucent membrane (Windowpane test).

5. 把揉好的放入一个大盆,再面团表面喷些水, 盖上保鲜膜或湿布,让面团进行第一次发酵至原来的2倍大。
Put dough in a large bowl, spray some water on the dough surface, cover it with

6. 把面团按瘪,分成12份。
Punch down the dough, divide into 12 portions.

7. 把小面团滚圆,醒发15分钟。
Roll the dough into ball shape, rest for 15 minutes.

8. 把小面团搓成约30cm的长条装,打个结,两端顺势缠好。
Roll the dough into long tube, braid into flower shape.

9. 让面团进行第二次发酵至2倍大。
Let dough rise till double in size.

10. 在面团表面涂上蛋液,在中间铺上金枪鱼。
Brush egg wash on top of the dough, spoon tuna with mayonnaise onto the middle of dough.

11. 放入预热烤箱,以180度烘烤10分钟。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 180 Celsius for 10 minutes.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

糯米双色蒸糕 Kuih Salat

只做了原食谱的 1/2
所以用了2粒鸡蛋 (原食谱是3粒)
:help me:(


材料 Ingredients:
白色糯米层 Glutinous Rice Layer
250g 糯米 Glutinous Rice
200ml 稀椰浆 Coconut Milk
1/2tsp 盐 Salt
1tbsp 食油 Cooking Oil

绿色椰浆糕层 Green Custard Layer
40g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
1tbsp 玉米粉 Corn Flour
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
50g 糖 Sugar
150ml 浓椰浆 Coconut Cream
1/8tsp 盐 Salt
100ml 清水 Plain Water
5pcs 斑兰叶 Pandan Leaves (Screw pine Leaves)

做法 Method:
1. 糯米洗干净,浸过夜。
Wash glutinous, soak overnight in water.

2. 将糯米沥干干,备用。
Drain glutinous rice, place aside.

3. 将盐加入稀椰浆中,搅拌直融化。
Add salt to coconut milk, stir until all the salt dissolve.

4. 把糯米放入抹了油的模,倒入加了盐的稀椰浆和食油,拌匀后铺平。
Put glutinous rice into a greased mold, pour in coconut milk and cooking oil, mix well and flatten it.

5. 热水上锅,以大火蒸20分钟。
Steam over boiling water with high heat for 20 minutes.

6. 把糯米稍微按平,备用。
Slightly press to flatten the glutinous rice, place aside.

7. 将普通面粉和玉米粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift plain flour and corn flour, mix well.

8. 将清水和班兰叶放入搅拌机搅成斑兰汁,过沥去渣,备用。
Blend pandan leaves with plain water, strain, place aside.

9. 将盐加入浓椰浆中,搅拌直融化,备用。
Add salt to coconut cream, stir until all the salt dissolve, place aside.

10. 把鸡蛋和糖稍微打发,倒入加了盐的浓椰浆和斑兰汁,拌匀。
Beat egg and sugar until fluffy, pour in coconut cream and pandan juice, stir well.

12. 拌入普通面粉和玉米粉,混合均匀。
Fold in plain flour and corn flour, mix well.

13. 将面糊过筛,倒入以蒸过的糯米层上。
Strain the mixture, pour on the cooked glutinous rice.

14. 热水上锅,以小火蒸45分钟即可。
Steam over boiling water with low heat for 45 minutes.


Monday, 12 March 2012

蜂巢蛋糕 (蒸)Honey Comb Cake (Steamed)















材料 Ingredients:
1cup 砂糖 Sugar
1cup 清水 Plain Water
1cup 特幼粉 Super-fine Flour
3nos 鸡蛋 Egg
150g 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
45g 牛油 Butter
1tbsp 苏打粉 Bicarbonate of Soda

做法 Method:
1. 将砂糖以小火慢慢煮成褐色成焦糖。
Melt sugar under low heat until golden honey brown.

2. 将清水慢慢倒入煮好的焦糖,搅拌直焦糖完全融化,待凉备用。
Pour in plain water carefully, stir until the sugar dissolve, let it cool.

3. 将牛油隔水融化,备用。
Melt butter by double boiling, place aside.

4. 特幼粉和苏打粉过筛,混合均匀。
Sift super-fine flour and bicarbonate of soda, mix well.

5. 将鸡蛋打散,慢慢加入炼乳,拌匀。
Beat the egg, add in sweetened condensed milk gradually, stir well.

6. 拌入粉类,搅拌均匀。
Fold in flours, mix well.

7. 加入焦糖浆和融化的牛油,拌匀。
Pour in sugar syrup and butter, stir well.

8. 将面糊过筛,倒入预先涂油的烤盘,静置3个小时。
Strain batter, pour in a greased pan, let stand at room temperature for 3 hour.

9. 以中火蒸45分钟或至熟。
Steamed over middle heat for 45minutes or until cooked.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

笠麻板 Kuih Penyaram







材料 Ingredients:
200g 普通面粉 Plain Flour
40g 粘米粉 Rice Flour
260ml 清水(80ml热水 + 180ml清水)Plain Water (80ml hot water + 180ml plain water)
3/8tsp 盐 Salt
200g 亚答糖 Gula Apong

做法 Method:
1. 将热水加入亚答糖,搅拌直糖完全融化。倒入清水,备用。
Mix gula apong and hot water, stir until all the sugar dissolved. Pour in plain water, place aside.

2. 普通面粉和粘米粉过筛,加入盐,混合均匀。
Sifted plain flour and rice flour, add in salt, mix well.

3. 加入做法1的糖水,拌匀。
Add in the syrup in method 1, stir well.

4. 面糊过筛,静置至少30分钟。
Strain the batter, left aside for at least 30 minutes.

5. 将小火将油烧热,在锅中间倒入一小勺面糊,。待面糊成型后翻面,炸直金黄色即可。
Heat the oil with low heat, pour in a scoop of batter in the middle of wok. Wait until the batter is cook, turn over and fried till golden brown.


Friday, 2 March 2012

自制花生碎 Homemade Ground Peanuts


材料 Ingredients:
1kg 花生 Peanuts

做法 Method:
1. 把花生放在一个大盘,将劣质的花生选出丢掉。
Place peanuts in a large plate, pick out the bad peanuts .

2. 热锅, 放入花生,用小火不停的翻炒花生。
Heat the wok, put in the peanuts, stir fry using low heat.

3. 炒直花生转褐红色并开始脱落时即可熄火。
Fry the peanuts till they are brown.

4. 待凉,把花生膜去除。
Let the peanuts cool, remove the peanuts skin.

5. 将花生磨碎。
Blend the peanuts.

Monday, 27 February 2012

芝士香肠包 (蒸)Cheesy Sausage Bun (Steamed)


材料 (可做6个)Ingredients (Yields 6pcs):
150g 包粉 (过筛) Pau Flour (Shifted)
20g 糖 Sugar
 1/2 tbsp 速发酵母 Instant Yeast

65ml 牛奶 Milk

10g 牛油 Butter

3nos 芝士香肠 (切半) Cheesy Sausage (Cut in half)

做法 Method:
1. 把材料A放入容器,混合均匀。
Mixed ingredients A in a container.

2. 加入牛奶,揉成面团。
Pour in milk to form a dough.

3. 拌入牛油,搓揉直表面光滑。
Add in butter, knead until dough surface is smooth.

4. 容器盖上盖子,让面团发酵45分钟或至1.5-2倍大。
Cover the container, rest for 45minutes or till double in size.

5. 把发起来的面团按瘪,分成6份。
Punch down the dough, divide into 6 portions.

6. 将小面团揉成条状,稍微压扁,呈螺旋状包着芝士香肠。
Roll the dough into long tube, press lightly, wrap it over the cheesy sausages.

7. 二次发酵20分钟。
Let it rise for 20 minutes.

8. 水开后上锅蒸8分钟即可。
Steamed over boiling water for 8minutes.


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

巧克力芝士蛋糕 Chocolate Cheese Cake


材料 Ingredients:

巧克力层 Chocolate Layer
1/2cup (125g) 牛油 Butter
1cup 幼糖 Caster Sugar
2nos 鸡蛋 Eggs
1cup 普通面粉 Plain Flour (All Purpose Flour)
1/4 cup 可可粉 Cocoa Powder
1tsp 发粉 Baking Powder
250ml 巧克力口味鲜奶 Chocolate Flavored Milk
3tbsp 炼乳 Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/4cup 食油 Cooking Oil

做法 Method:
1. 把普通面粉,可可粉和发粉混合,过筛。
Whisk plain flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together, sifted.

2. 将牛油和幼糖打发。
Cream butter and caster sugar until fluffy.

3. 加入鸡蛋(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg one at a time, beat well.

4. 拌入做法1的粉类,拌匀。
Fold in flours and mixed well.

5. 加入巧克力口味鲜奶、炼乳和食油,拌匀。
Mix in chocolate flavored milk, sweetened condensed milk
and cooking oil, mixed well.

6. 把面糊分成两份。
Divide batter into two portions.

芝士层 Cheese Layer
250g 忌廉芝士 Cream Cheese
60g 幼糖 Caster Sugar
1nos 鸡蛋 Egg
25ml 清水 Plain Water

做法 Method:
1. 将忌廉芝士和幼糖打发。
Beat cream cheese and caster sugar until fluffy.

2. 加入鸡蛋和清水,拌匀。
Add in egg and plain water, beat well.

蒸 Steamed:
1. 把一份巧克力面糊倒入蛋糕模,蒸15分钟或至熟。
Pour one portion of chocolate batter into pan, steamed for 15 minutes
or until cake are done.

2. 倒入芝士面糊,蒸15分钟或至熟。
Pour in cream cheese batter, steamed for 15 minutes
or until cake are done.

3. 倒入剩余的巧克力面糊,蒸20分钟或至熟。
Pour in the rest of chocolate batter, steamed for 20 minutes
or until cake are done.


小小贴士 Cheryl's Tip:
1. 可可粉可以选用金鹰牌的,味道更香浓。
Use Van Houten cocoa powder for a richer aroma.

2. 冷藏后味道和口感更佳。
Best served chilled.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

黄梨饼 Pineapple Tart


材料 (约110片)Ingredients(Yields about 110 tarts):
45g 奶粉 Milk Powder
15g 蛋黄粉(卡士达粉/吉士粉) Custard Powder
65g 玉蜀黍粉 Corn Flour
150g 普通面粉 Plain Flour (All-Purpose Flour)
125g 特幼粉 Super-fine Flour
2/3tsp 盐 Salt
250g 无盐奶油 Unsalted Butter
2tbsp 幼糖 Caster Sugar
3nos 蛋黄 Egg Yolks
黄梨馅 Pineapple Jam

做法 Method:
1. 把所有粉类和盐混合,过筛两次。
Whisk all flours and salt together, sift twice.

2. 将无盐奶油和幼糖打发。
Cream unsalted butter and caster sugar until fluffy.

3. 分次加入蛋黄(每次一粒),拌匀。
Add in egg yolk one at a time, beat well.

4. 拌入分类,搓成面团。
Fold in flours and combine to form a smooth pastry dough.

5. 把饼皮分成三份,放入冰箱冷藏一个小时。
Divide the pastry dough into 3 portions, chill in refrigerator for 1 hour.

6. 将饼皮杆平(约4毫米厚),用黄梨饼模印出形状。
Take a pastry dough and flatten to about 4mm thick. Stamp out using a
pineapple tart mold.

7. 把黄梨馅搓圆,放在饼皮上,稍微压扁。
Roll pineapple jam into tiny ball. Place jam on the tart and press lightly.

8. 均匀的涂上蛋黄液。
Brush tarts with egg wash evenly.

9. 放入预热烤箱, 以160度烤15-20分钟。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 160 Celsius for 15-20 minutes.

烘焙愉快 Happy Baking

Thursday, 12 January 2012

蜜糖玉米片 Honey Cornflakes

:Fan giler:(


材料 Ingredients:
150g 原味玉米片 Plain Cornflakes Cereal
50g 牛油 Butter
2tbsp 蜜糖 Honey
1 1/2tbsp 葡萄干 (可以不放) Raisin (Optional)

做法 Method:
1. 隔水融化牛油,加入蜜糖搅拌均匀。
Melt butter by double boiling, mix in honey and stir well.

2. 加入玉米片和葡萄干,拌匀。
Add in cornflakes and raisins, stir till well-coated.

3. 用小匙将玉米片放入小纸杯。
Scoop cornflakes into mini paper cups using a teaspoon.

4. 放入预热烤箱,以150度烘烤15分钟或至表面少许浅褐色。
Put into preheat oven, bake with 150 Celsius for 15minutes or
until slightly brown.

烘焙愉快 Happy Baking